Around the classrooms

Year 7 Health and Physical Education
In our Youth Health unit, Year 7 students are learning about nutrition, including looking at the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating and analysing food labels. Students have estimated and calculated the amount of sugar contained in a variety of different drinks. This visual representation assisted students to be informed about what they are consuming.
Ms Lisa Kosack
Health and Physical Education Teacher
Year 11 Food Studies
Wednesday 26 July the Year 11 Food Studies class was fortunate enough to be able to experience the industrial behind-the-scenes of Yakult, a widely loved probiotic drink. We are currently studying product design and food safety which we got to experience at the factory. It was new for all of us as we got to see the hands-on work that is done to put the Yakult bottles on shelves. We were able to see how the bottles were moulded, the production line of bottles, the mixing of ingredients, the scientific research behind the drink and even got to taste some yakult ourselves. Additionally we got to know the dirty details of the Yakult, literally, as the drinks contain good bacteria to help boost our bodies digestion! Personally the drink wasn’t for me, but most of the class were able to enjoy them. We were so grateful to be able to learn the backstory for Yakult and the benefits the little probiotic drink contains.
Indi Grubb (Year 11)
Year 10 English
In Year 10 English, students are studying crafting texts exploring the concept of ‘Identity’. This week as part of this unit they attended a special viewing of Barbie - The Movie toconsider how the protagonist (Original Barbie) undergoes an ‘identity crisis’. Teachers embraced the event with lots of pink and a moment to be the highly-sought-after 'English Teacher Barbie in a Box'. Back in class students will analyse the movie, and the topics it explores, through discussion and written responses.
National Tree Day
Friday the 28 July was National Tree Day for Schools Our Year 10 Outdoor Education class understands the value of trees and were super lucky to be involved in the National Tree Day for Schools. The City of Kingston kindly donated a variety of natives and the students’ found areas around the school that needed a little tree love.
Ms Justine Bowers
Health, Wellbeing & Respectful Relationships Learning Specialist