Incident, Injury, Illness and Trauma Notifications

Curiosity is legislated under Federal Law to ensure the safety, health and wellbeing of each child and staff member that attends our Service.


Quality Area 2 (Children's Health and Safety) under the National Quality Standard is to safeguard and promote children’s health and safety, minimise risks and protect children from harm, injury and infection.  All children have the right to experience quality education and care in an environment that provides for their physical and psychological wellbeing and provides support for each child’s growing competence, confidence and independence.


To ensure that we are meeting these standards the following procedures are carried out throughout each term:

  • Emergency Evacuation - external and internal risk management which includes lock in scenarios.  These are communicated to families via Storypark when carried out. 
  • Medication and First Aid Kit audits - checks to ensure supplies are in date and available throughout the Service and when on excursion to school and Nature Play sessions.
  • Risk Minimisation and Communication forms are current for all children and staff with medical considerations.
  • Incident, Injury, Illness and Trauma forms are completed each time a situation presents itself which is triaged and communicated to our School Board and WHS teams for consideration.
  • Safety audits of electrical items and resources that encourage risky play.
  • Risk Minimisation forms completed each time a new experience/material is offered to the children.  For eg.  hammer and nails, hot glue guns, soil.
  • Material Safety Data Sheets are held for each chemical that is situated onsite.
  • Yard audits are carried out each morning to ensure the environment is safe for use.
  • All resources are sanitised and cleaned weekly or daily if mouthed by children.
  • Bathrooms are cleaned 3 times a day.
  • Hard area surfaces are wiped down daily.
  • Children who present with a rising temperature from 37.5 degrees or presenting with cold symptoms or symptoms that are distressing to a child are sent home with a 24hr exclusions.
  • Children who expel bodily fluids (vomit or diarrhoea) will be asked to be collected within the hour with a 24 - 48hr exclusion after the last episode.
  • Children who are sent home and require medical attention due to an incident onsite, have a report made to the Education Standards Board to mitigate further risk.  We ask families to notify us within 24hrs if medical attention was sought due to an injury or incident onsite.

We have recently reviewed our practise and have added in notification for the following scenarios:

  1. Damage of Curiosity resources or property.  At times of dysregulation, the Centre's resources can be used to meet a particular need.  Staff will redirect this behaviour to an experience or activity that may meet the child's need.  If this is not possible, or the child continues to damage items with intent, then an incident form will be filled out and caregivers requested to replace items.
  2. If the behaviour of a child causes injury or distress to another child, then an incident form will be filled out to communicate this behaviour to caregivers.  Working with families to support children's co and self-regulation is a responsibility that is important to partner in.  At times a partnership agreement may be required where we will invite caregivers in for a conversation and to offer support for the child.

Our team continue to build a culture where we support children to speak up for their rights to be heard, seen, cared for and respected.  Throughout the day the children are actively supervised, however situations can present where an educator may not witness an incident.  We encourage families to continue communicating with your child at home, that if there is ever a moment where they feel unsafe or have hurt themselves, to tell an educator immediately.  This is where we can work to minimise child distress and address situations in a timely manner.


Incident, Injury, Illness and Trauma forms should be filled out on the day of the occurrence with caregivers presented the form on collection.  A communication peg (red dot) will be placed on your child's pocket if there is a form to be signed.


Any situations that involve other children will be communicated via a phone call by your child's Lead Educator.


Head bumps or moments where your child is not presenting like their usual self will be communicated via a phone call.  A request to collect may be required.


Caregivers are asked to communicate via text or phone call to the Centre each day their child is not in attendance due to illness.  This allows us to monitor potential outbreaks of illness that we can then communicate to the community or report to SA Health if required.


There is not one day that is the same at Curiosity as we meet the ever evolving needs of each child and desires from families.  As we strive to create the best environment and conditions for learning, we thank you for your efforts and support in this important area of education and care.