Glasses For Kids Program

Linda Clancy

State Schools’ Relief is proud to be delivering the Glasses for Kids program, from 2020 – 2023.

Glasses for Kids is an early intervention program which aims to remove vision impairments as a potential barrier to educational engagement in Prep to Year 3 students of selected schools.


The previous program, which concluded at the end of 2018, was a great success with 290 schools visited by qualified optometrists who tested more than 20,000 children and provided 1,904 of these students with glasses.


The current program aims to visit 340 selected schools and target over 40,000 students for initial vision screening. If required, comprehensive eye testing and glasses will be provided to participating students in the most disadvantaged areas across Victoria, at no cost. We're anticipating that over 21,000 students will participate and over 2,100 glasses will be provided.