P-2 Learning Community

Doreen Smider

What a wonderful start to Term 3! The P-2 students were all involved in our swimming program at Aquamoves in Shepparton. It was an amazing experience for our students. Aquamoves staff made us feel most welcome at all times. 


The Prep team is currently welcoming local Kindergartens to visit our wonderful learning areas; it was great to have Fenaughty & Unwin Street Kinders come to visit us recently. The kinder students completed some fine motor rotations, had a dance, a play on the playground, and a little tour of our Primary area. 


Prep teachers and students are looking forward to celebrating ‘100 Days of School’ on Monday 31st July. It is a great occasion to highlight how much children have learned since they started their school journey. We have some fantastic activities planned as well as the amazing dress up theme, all based around 100. Keep an eye out on our school socials, as well as The Kyabram Free Press for some photos.



To begin term 3, the Year 1/2 ‘s have focused on reading comprehension. Students have learnt strategies to retell a story in sequence, mainly using the story mountain as a visual prompt. This helps students to remember what things happen in the beginning (introduction to characters and setting), the middle (rising action, main event/problem, falling action) and the ending (resolution.) We are also using sequencing words such as in the beginning, first, then, next, meanwhile, finally, last. 


Recount Writing:


Zarli - Year 1B. On the holidays me, Indigo, mum, and dad were playing cricket. I was batter first, then Indigo, then mum and then dad. We played it in our backyard. Once it went over the fence. Indigo said I will get it, but dad did. Then we played again. It was so so fun!!! Indigo was on dad’s team, and I was on mum’s team.


Ryan - Year 2A. Over the holidays my family and I went to Sovereign Hill in Ballarat. We panned for gold, hoping to strike it rich! Unfortunately, we didn’t find a nugget. I loved the mine tour because we got to go underground to see a real gold mine. We were in complete darkness for 90 seconds to arrive at the mine. I would love to go back to Ballarat with my family.



Ayla and Alba - Year 1B. We learnt to not hop in when people are drowning, you get something that floats and get them to swim into you. We need to go on our belly and put our hand up and yell help! We also learnt how to float on our back, and we floated like a starfish. You have to remember to breathe!


Year 2A - On our first day back to school we started our swimming program at Aquamoves in Shepparton. We learnt how to be safe in a swimming pool and save people from drowning. If we are ever in deep water or the ocean it is best to wear a lifejacket. When swimming in the ocean, we were taught to swim with the current, not against it. If we need help in the water, we were shown how to put up our hand and call out ‘Help!’ At the end of the week, we got to play ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf’ in the water, it was brilliant!


Long Service Leave

Mrs Smider will be away on leave from weeks 4 - 8, replacing Mrs Smider will be Ms Carmel Wild. Carmel has enjoyed meeting the P-2 team and year 2A. Once Mrs Smider returns from leave, Carmel will replace Miss Jessica Surplice in Year 2B for the rest of the term. Carmel is very excited to join our team! Please make her feel most welcome.