Assistant P-6 Principal 

Billy Barnes

P-6 Learning Community

Dear Kyabram P-12 College Families,


I hope this letter finds you well and you're enjoying the start of Term 3. As we dive into the second half of the year, I wanted to take a moment to update you on some important announcements and events happening at our school.


Firstly, I want to acknowledge the success of our P-2 Swimming program that took place during Weeks 1-2. Our students had a fantastic time at Aquamoves in Shepparton, and I want to extend a big thank you to the teachers, students, families, and Claudia Moore for their support and organisation of this event.


In other news, our Year 3-6 students have been actively involved in supporting our community. Under the guidance of our primary student enrichment coordinator, Bridget Hurley, our students have been making weekly visits to the Kyabram Community & Learning Centre and community garden. They have been involved in various activities such as sorting donations, making food hampers, and reading with early learning children. It's wonderful to see our students giving back to the community in such meaningful ways.


We are also proud of our P-6 lunchtime activities, where teachers and students have been running various clubs and activities. This not only provides an opportunity for student leadership but also helps in creating different social networks for our students.


Additionally, our Primary Net-Set-Go program kicked off this week. Our P-2 students are enjoying Monday afternoon sessions, while Year 3-6 students are having a great time on Wednesdays. It's fantastic to see our students engaging in physical activities and enjoying themselves.


Last Monday, our Primary Singers had the opportunity to perform at Warramunda. This not only allowed them to showcase their musical talents but also gave them a chance to socialise with the elderly and perform community service. We are proud of our students for their involvement in such meaningful activities.


Our Year 9 students recently participated in Course Counselling. This empowering opportunity helps our learners become confident, resilient, and successful citizens who actively engage within their community and thrive as individuals.


Furthermore, some of our VCE students had the chance to attend an environmental science program at Bacchus Marsh. This program allows them to gain practical experience with equipment that we do not have access to at our school. It is an essential part of their Unit 4 course and will help them explore ideas for their own practical investigation.


Looking ahead, we have a lot of exciting events coming up across the college. These include Year 1-2 students visiting the Discovery Centre in Bendigo, a Healthy Habits excursion for Year 3-6 students, Waranga Athletics Carnival for Year 3-6 students, Ky Fit for year 7-8, Annual 7-12 Athletics Carnival and a Melbourne Camp for Year 11 students. Please keep an eye out for Compass permission slips, important event notifications through Channels, and our regular social media updates.


Get ready for a day of jubilation as our Prep students gear up to celebrate their 100 days of school on Monday, July 31st! The anticipation has been building as our dedicated teachers have been engaging the students in various learning activities and creating captivating displays. It's going to be a day filled with joy and laughter, with everyone coming dressed in their finest to commemorate this incredible milestone. We can't wait to witness the excitement of our students and the Prep team as they revel in this special occasion, marking their first 100 days of learning and growth. Let's make it a memorable celebration together!  

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our families for their continued partnership and support. It is through this collaboration that we are able to provide our students with such enriching experiences and opportunities.


Thank you once again for your ongoing support. Together, we can continue to create a positive and nurturing learning environment for our students.


Warm regards,


Billy Barnes

Assistant Principal

Kyabram P-12 College