Sport News

State Cross Country
On Thursday 13 July, 7 students braved the windswept plains of the Yarra Valley Racecourse to compete in the State Cross Country championships.
Accompanied by their amazing cheer squad (Miss. Patman and Mr. Purcell) these students waited in the stands until it was their time to shine on the course.
Trudging their way through mud, long grass, sticks and hills, they emerged in sight of the finish line.
With legs burning from a build up of metabolic by-products, they found a little bit more and pushed themselves to achieve the greatness that few dream of.
Congratulations to Brody Cameron (80th), Dylan Grollo (99th), Freya Wilson (90th), Xavier Feilso (86th), Hannah Cervini (53rd), Poppy Scot-Dalgleish (5th) and Declan Loeckx (1st).
Miss Patman & Mr Purcell
Intermediate Footy
The girls took to the field on 17th July and came away with 1 win and 2 losses
On 19th July, the boys managed 1 win by a point, 1 loss by a point and 1 draw
Mr Lyngcoln
Year 7 Soccer
Congratulations to our Y7 Boys and Girls' Soccer Teams. The boys won two games, but unfortunately won't progress. The Girls won the day - we look forward to seeing what they can do in the next round.