Library News

Premiers Reading Challenge
There are 49 days left in this year's Premier's Reading Challenge. 10 students have already met the challenge to read 15 books this year - and there is still plenty of time to join the challenge and log those books! Students that join get access to a challenge dashboard where they can browse the challenge booklist, read other student reviews and add their own books. It's a fantastic way to get motivated to read. As well as earning housepoints, we will be giving out rewards to students taking part during Book Week (21-25 August).
Book Club
Phoenix 2023 Cover Design Competition
The college produces an annual magazine (The Phoenix), which brings together stories and photos from the school year – reflecting on events, camps, carnivals, classes, excursions and more!
We are running a competition (open to all year levels) for the front cover design of the 2023 edition of the Viewbank College Phoenix.
We encourage all Viewbank creatives to have a go - it’s a wonderful opportunity see your work published professionally!
The requirements for the design are:
- A4 size, in portrait
- Must clearly depict the words “Viewbank College”, “2023” and “Phoenix”
- Must include the school colours
- Your design can be drawn/painted or digital
- Digital designs should be high resolution files in a layered PDF format, if possible.
Please send entries to me via MS Teams or to by Friday September 8th.
If you have any questions, come and ask in the library.
Thanks, and good luck!