Wurrin News - Years 8 & 9

email:   wurrin@bairnsdalesc.vic.edu.au

phone: 5150 4820

Community Open Afternoon23rd August
Parent and Teacher Conferences14th September and 15th September

School for Student Leadership - Snowy River Alpine Campus 2024







Our current Year 8 students have an opportunity to apply for a place in the School for Student Leadership program for Term 1, 2024, with the hope of completing the program whilst they are in Year 9.


Expressions of interest are now open on Compass, including 2 questions for students to complete. Questions can be completed online or handed to the hub.


Once expressions of interests have been received a selection process will proceed. This will include:

  • An interview with the selection team (consisting of the College Principal, the 8/9 Principal and hub team)
  • An information session will be conducted with participating students and families once the application process is complete.

The School for Student Leadership is a Victorian Department of Education initiative offering a unique residential education experience for Year 9 students. The curriculum focuses on personal development and team learning projects sourced from students' home regions The Snowy River Campus is located near the mouth of the Snowy River at Marlo in East Gippsland.


More information about the Snowy River Alpine School Campus, can be accessed at www.snowyriverschool.vic.edu.au.


Please note: An expression of interest is not an assurance of a place in this program. There is a cost of approximately $1000 associated with this program that will not be covered by the College.


Please see Compass events or the Hub for more information.


Expressions of interest and completed questions are due 31st August 2023.


Yaei High School Visit

During Week 4, our sister school, Yaei High School from Japan during their visit to our College organised a Cultural Presentation for students in Years 7 and 8. The Japanese students demonstrated cultural dancing, speaking and games.


Our students also enjoyed a game of Basketball during the breaks - everyone was having a blast!

Students at Work!

Year 9 Outdoor Education class enjoyed creating fake injuries while learning all about first aid. 


Here are some examples!

Ayla, Yzabella, Finn, Emily
Ayla, Yzabella, Finn, Emily


Students in 8B Humanities needed to imagine that they were Liesel - from the movie 'Book Thief' and expressed their experience during life in WWII as a child.


Students in 8H Maths class were drawing their names on a grip paper and calculating the total area and perimeter.


Here are 2 examples.



Year 8 Art