Principal's Message

Good afternoon all.
We have some very exciting times ahead, with our College Review kicking off this coming Monday 21st August. In short, this means we will have a panel of external people who come into our College across 4 days to review 'everything we do'. The work will be reflective across the past 4 years and then this feeds into the projected work for the next 4 years. Not hard to guess, this happens every 4 years! 😊
The College Strategic Plan and the yearly Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) all fall out of this review work. The panel for the review is made up of:
- Branko Lukic (Chief Reviewer)
- Sheereen Kindler (Principal of Glen Eira College)
- Cate Eddy (Principal of Numurkah Secondary College)
- Tony Robers (SEIL for the Bairnsdale Tambo Network and future Executive Principal of BSC)
- David Radford (College Council President) and myself.
During this process, all stake holders in the College have a chance to be involved. This is where you come in.
- On both Thursday 31st August and Friday 1st September there will be a series of times when any Parent/Carer is able to come into the College and have a private and confidential conversation with the reviewers. (Note: I am not part of this section)
- Each time slot will be for 20 minutes and if you wish, Parents/Carers from up to 2 families may come together.
- If you would like to be involved in this opportunity to discuss 'all things about the College', then you will need to do the following:
- Email Clare Stone at Clare will communicate with you to arrange a mutually suitable time.
This coming Monday, the full panel team will be involved in a combination of reviewing the various data sets for BSC, discussion groups, class observations and being involved in the Key Learning Area discussions at the end of the day.
Just as you have an opportunity to discuss the journey of our College across the last 4 years, the reviewers will also be talking with student focus groups and staff to gain a full picture of our journey. Exciting times indeed! 😊
If any member of the community would like to chat about the review and the process, please call!
Come and have a look through the College! Wednesday of next week (August 23rd) our College will be open to anyone who would like to have a walk through to see our outstanding facilities. From 4.30 pm to 5.30 pm I will happily take everyone on a tour. I say with great pride, “ You will have to go a long way to find a secondary school that has the outstanding facilities that you will find here!” This offer is not only for people who have children here, it is to anyone in Bairnsdale and the surrounding areas. Perhaps you have watched the building project from afar and would simply like to see inside the final product. All you need to do is 'show up' at 4.30 pm.
Year 7 Camp. Our Year 7 students left for camp earlier this week. They were all super excited and a little anxious about the prospect of the rest of the week. The Summit runs a fantastic program, all reports from camp indicate that that staff and students have had a fabulous time. The weather was mostly good ..... ☀️🌦️
As always – happy to chat!
Trudie Nagle
Executive Principal