
SWPBS, Kimochis, RRRR

SWPBS update

Congratulations to the students who achieved their certificates last week!



SWPBS Matrix Update

As part of our School Wide Positive Behaviour System work, we are updating our matrix of expected behaviours. This is to ensure that it meets current community expectations in line with Department of Education requirements. We received great input from students, staff and parents. Thanks to the families who took the time to contribute to the survey.

We now have a new draft that staff are finalising to share with you soon.



This term classes have really focused on embedding and consolidating the 5 keys to communication. They have added an extra two (to make a total of seven keys) to focus on as students continue to navigate social interactions and friendships. 


You may have also heard about our two latest Kimochi additions, Bella Rose and Clover. Bella Rose's feelings are happy, sensitive and insecure. She helps others to be compassionate and avoid masking feelings with hurtful actions.  Clovers feelings are happy, optimistic and disappointed. He helps students with forgetfulness, carelessness and 'bouncing back' with resilience.