School Events/ Curriculum & Learning

Excursions, Incursions, Curriculum events & Community at school

Kitchen Garden - 2/3s

On Tuesday we wandered up to the hall to have our Kitchen Garden session. On the menu was kale chips,  salad sandwiches and pumpkin scones, YUM!!

"We had lots of fun" (Jack)

"There was new things that we tried" (Juniper)

"It was delicious" (Rubi)

"The food was very delicious and lots of people helped clean up" (Billie)

"I really like making the pumpkin scones and they were very delumcious" (Ella)

"I really liked making the kale chips" (Henry)

AFL Clinics

We are lucky to have AFL Victoria at our school for the next three Fridays taking students for sessions to develop their footy skills. It was wonderful last week to see those that don't play having a go and demonstrating resilience in learning a new skill. Keep it up everyone!


Measurement in F/1

In F1 our numeracy focus has been on measurement, more specifically on mass. Students have been getting hands on with their estimation and measuring skills, using scales and various units to investigate and measure objects and order them according to mass. We have learned that bigger does not necessarily mean heavier, that units need to be the same for accurate results and that some units are more effective than others for determining mass.