From the Principal

Ross Pritchard









Schools that Excel – The Age newspaper 


This week I am proud to announce that Auburn High School features in an education feature series of articles in the Age. Titled ‘Schools that Excel’, the series recognises several schools selected as Regional winners across Victoria. Auburn High School has been awarded the top school in Eastern Melbourne. This is a proud moment for the staff, students, and families of the School, and great recognition for the present and past communities that have passed through the school gate. The criteria used to assess success are average student performance in Year 12, number of high achievers, completion rates, provision of student pathways, and school awards.  

The article is a summary of the discussions held between the journalist, and myself. The School Captains were also interviewed and impressed the journalist with their comments around school pride, DARE values and their own school experiences. The Captains were not referenced in the article but I would like to acknowledge their representation in the process.  

It has been written that ‘it is hard work to get to the top of your game, but even harder work to stay there’. This recognition is a wonderful reminder for us as a school community that we are doing a lot of things correctly. Our programs, our teaching and learning, and whole school direction are all providing purpose and opportunities for our students. With the 10-year anniversary of Auburn High School in 2024, it is also a chance for us to double down our efforts and challenge our standards, and reflect to improve.


 A new strategic plan will be created this year for the next four years addressing key goals and strategies related to teaching and learning. Coupled with improvements to our physical spaces like a new senior school building next year, renovated bathrooms later this year and constant upgrades of study and student spaces, the future is bright.  

Congratulations Auburn High School. 


Thank you to the executive team, leading teachers, support staff, teaching staff, students, alumni and of course, parents, and guardians of our young people. Take the time to celebrate that everyone has contributed to our fantastic result.  



This week is National Science Week and there has been a variety of events to engage all our aspiring scientists. Whether it be for science themed cake making, listening to cancer researchers and doctors, titration competitions, quizzes in class or just being part of the general buzz, I would like to thank Shalindi Jayasuriya, our STEM Coordinator, for leading this initiative at our school. 


Shalindi, with the help of many staff, has role modelled the complexity, enjoyment and curiosity that is science. 


Science skills include all of our Auburn Learner Qualities: critical thinking, communication, reasoning, ethics, problem solving, creativity, collaboration. The guest speakers today spoke about the character of researchers and the essential role they play in creating a better future for us all.  

Curriculum Day for staff was held two weeks ago. The focus of the day was on reconnecting with high yield strategies that are the substance of our instructional model. The sessions and workshops embedding the strategies used by our staff was facilitated by our leading teachers. The day was spent linking them to the ‘’art of teaching". Sessions involved collaboration, planning and implementation of these strategies across a variety of teaching situations. Differentiation, enrichment, behaviour management, feedback, and lesson planning were all covered. Thank you to the team of learning specialists for designing valuable sessions that will have a direct impact on learning. 



Our House athletics competition is this Friday at Duncan McKinnon Reserve. Freeman is due for a win, but Hollows, Winton and Murdoch are busily preparing to make the competition fierce. I love these whole school days where students get the chance to help as officials, pitch in as cheer squads, compete as athletes, or attempt something they have never done before. Good luck to all the students who are competing and to Mr Lanfranchi, I hope the weather is kind. 


All the best, and until next time.


Ross Pritchard

