Student Learning 

M5 and N12 

Buddy Activity for National Science Week


National Science Week’s theme this year is Innovation: Powering future industries. M5 and N12 worked together to make robot hands in STEM to commemorate this important week. The model robot hand demonstrates just how important it is for all the different parts of our hands to work together for movement. It highlights how the bones, muscles, and tendons allow us to move each individual finger separately, or together at the same time. 


We had to work together with perseverance to cut, measure, tape and thread string in order for our robot fingers and hands to be able to move when we pulled the strings. 


We had lots fun learning and using our Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths skills during this activity! If you would like to give it a go here is the link to a video to show you the steps


Happy National Science Week!