Leadership Report

We are nearly halfway through the term, and students are eagerly anticipating two of their favourite calendar events: Book Week in week 5 and Sports Day in week 9.


Before you rush out and grab those last minute team items in preparation, let's take a look at what has been happening over the last couple of weeks. 


The Australian Band and Orchestra Director’s Association (ABODA) SA School Bands and Orchestra Festival performed yesterday. Over 3,000 students from 38 schools competed. No spoilers here...if you want to find out how they went, check out the dedicated page in this newsletter edition...!


Today is the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. Visit  "Being Well at Magill" for a detailed report on how our students have been addressing this important topic throughout the entire year. Parents and carers also have a key role in preventing and responding to bullying. Visit the Bullying. No Way! Website for more information on this topic.


Our new staff carpark in front of the new building is still a work in progress, with landscaping nearing completion. Staff are looking forward to being able to access the carpark in the near future. In the meantime, the 'kiss-n-drop' zone on Adelaide St remains a bustling area after school. Please be considerate and avoid stopping in the middle of the road; instead, wait until a parking spot becomes available. Generally, there are parking spaces further up the street. Waiting in the road creates a safety issue, causing traffic congestion down the street and around the corner onto Penfold Road. This poses a hazard to both traffic flow and pedestrian safety, especially during the busy times when Magill families are using the pedestrian crossing.


Looking ahead, week five is shaping up to be quite busy. This year, Book Week features a number of our year six students going into our new building to read a variety of books in junior primary classes each day. Make sure to keep an eye out for the week six newsletter, which will be filled with vibrant photos of many ‘book characters’ ... could there be a hint of Mr. Iannunzio making a special apperance as Mr. Fox...???


The year five students will be heading to Mylor for their camp. Camps, in general, offer our students numerous opportunities to acquire new skills, form new friendships, and reinforce existing ones, all while gaining a sense of independence. It's an all-around enriching experience, and Mylor is certainly no exception.


The year four students will have the chance to visit the 'Remake' exhibition hosted at Pepper St Art Gallery. Additionally, the SAPSASA boys' Soccer Round Two is scheduled for Friday of week 5. Best of luck to all the boys participating!


Of course, none of these events could occur without dedicated, highly skilled support staff assisting in class and behind the scenes in the office. Week six is SSO Week. Be sure to give our SSO’s a special smile or kind word of appreciationthey truly deserve it!


Erica Teumohenga

Wellbeing Leader