From the Outdoor Education Department

Year 11 and 12 Outdoor Leadership Alpine Expedition

During the final week of the holidays, both Year 11 and Year 12 Outdoor Leadership classes left BMGS at 3:00am and travelled to the Snowy Mountains for their planned Alpine Expeditions. 


Year 11 had planned on crossing the Main Range on snowshoes from Thredbo to Guthega, while Year 12 were in the mountains to learn how to ski in the backcountry. As with everything in the outdoors, nature and the weather is our master and this certainly became very clear as we watched several severe weather warnings develop in the days prior to and on our way to the snow. Damaging winds persisted throughout the trip down, making backcountry travel dangerous and not recommended. So, rather than wasting our efforts, we combined groups so all students spent the afternoon learning some basic ski moves before heading on a three day expedition into the backcountry on skis when the weather improved. 


From Monday to Wednesday we were fortunate to be able to head in to the vicinity of Illawong Hut where we set up camp for two nights and further honed our backcountry camping and skiing skills.


It was a pleasure to work and play with these students who show incredible resilience in challenging times, great leadership and excellent social skills. 

Wilderness Education visit from Greg Mortimer OAM

The Wilderness Education department were very privileged to host a visit from Greg Mortimer, one of the members of the first Australian party to climb Mt Everest. Each year Greg gives up his time to visit our students as part of their preparation for the Year 10 Snowshoe Expedition (6th-10th August this year). 


Apart from describing his amazing adventures over the years, Mr Mortimer very eloquently links his experiences and skills to the lessons our students are learning and will develop on their own adventures. Our students are very fortunate indeed to be able to benefit from his words and I am sure they are very grateful for the experience. Look out for reports of our Snowshoe Expedition in Week 4.


Ms Adele Stubenrauch

Wilderness Education Teacher