From the Director of Pedagogy and Innovation

The Joy of Life Long Learning 

It is great to be back after the Winter break and while students had Monday and Tuesday away from school this week, the staff were back for our Mid-Year Conference. These two days were part of the ten professional learning days we spend together as a staff over the year to continually sharpen our minds and skills. During professional learning days we focus on the ever-shifting expertise that all staff members need for a school to run successfully. It would not be a surprise to any family or community member to hear that the schools are increasingly complex and need to press ever-forward into the changes in AI technology, developments in student learning styles as well as child and youth mental health.


At Blue Mountains Grammar school, we have an experienced and wise staff, many of whom have been working in education for 20 years or more. I am consistently humbled by the effort our staff, with their wealth of experience sink into remaining on top of their professional game and their desire to continually grow. This week the Junior School teachers took part highly specialised training which focused on literature and textual concepts with Dr. Lorri Beveridge from the Primary English Teachers Association. Spending time exploring the ways to personalise teaching based on students’ individual needs was high impact professional learning that will look very different in each class at both Springwood and Wentworth Falls campuses. 


This positive attitude to life-long learning and taking responsibility for growth reminds me of the story of Shigemi Hirata. Born on 1st September, 1919, in Japan, Hirata received a Bachelor of Arts degree in March 2016. Aged 96 years and 200 days, he took the degree from the Kyoto University of Art and Design. It took him 11 years to complete and when he finally finished he was the oldest person to ever graduate university. When interviewed Hirata spoke of the joy and fun of learning, and while some may question the purpose of this learning at such an age, it serves as an inspiration that regardless of age or experience there is always more to learn. It was encouraging to see the work of our staff this week as they continue to build on their experience and stay on the front-foot with the ever shifting educational landscape. 


Mr Chris Sanders

Director of Pedagogy and Innovation