School Wide Positive Behaviour Support

The Syndal Stars focus for this week is “Being Inclusive”. As part of our school value of Care, students know that being inclusive both in the playground and in our learning areas is very important and part of being a good friend. 


In Foundation, students have explored being a good friend through The Resilience Project activities and teachers have regular check-ins after playtime to reflect on how students have been good friends today. 


In Grade 1 and 2, students explored the idea of inclusion and how it makes us feel when we are included versus excluded. After reading Winston and the Indoor Cat, students reflected how the cats were good friends to each other by accepting their differences and that we can do the same in our own lives. 


In Grade 3 and 4, students have explored strategies on how to help others in need and why it is important to fill someone's bucket with positivity and kindness. Students also participate in weekly Yarn Circles that allow time to discuss and share ideas around many themes such as ‘belonging’, ‘connection’ and ‘sharing’. 

In Grade 5 and 6, students created ‘Helping Hands’ as part of our Respectful Relationships program and wrote down trusted adults and friends that they look to for help and are grateful for, justifying their selections with reasons. Students also listed the ways they have recently helped each other and their family members.