Student Gallery

We celebrated Principals' Day and gave thanks to our wonderful Principal Ms Freeman at a surprise assembly last week.

Year 1 students discovering patterns.

Foundation's, Year 1's and Year 2's participated in an AFL clinic.

Foundation students had so much fun beading 100 fruit loops on their necklaces, making toad pikelets and of course racing their Mario Karts through the fantastic obstacles!

Year 3 and 4 students visited the Melbourne Museum's Place and Culture Exhibition recently.

Mark Lumley (Koori Education Support Officer) visited the Year 1, 2, 3 and 4 students.  Mark is demonstrating how to use rope to measure the age of a tree.  The tree is approximately 140 years old!

Year 1 drawings from the story they heard yesterday from Mark Lumley.  They used the Aboriginal symbols to depict the story they acted out with him.

Year 1 students programmed Bee Bots to buy certain items in order from the toy shop.  

After Reading 'Market Day' Foundation students made their very own stalls.  In the photos we have a cupcake, juice, food and bunny rabbit stall.

Our Year 6 Sport and House Captains ran a Foundation to Year 2 lunchtime club.