Lennon Jablonka and Jacob Olive

SLC Agenda and Minutes 

  • Follow Ups:
    • Mrs McCallum – Smoking ceremony: for National Indigenous Peoples Day. SLC is looking to work with Wellbeing to run a commemorative presentation and smoking ceremony this term. Dates TBC - in discussion with Cultural Heritage and Bookings in Bendigo.
    • Tyler – School council report, including eftpos: COMING TO CHARLTON COLLEGE IN 2024! 
    • Emily & Year 11s – Renovation - Emily has sent out a Google Form to get ideas from the Yr 11 cohort. Emily has spoken to Mr Daff regarding what they can and can’t have. 
  • Awareness:
    • Queer Advocacy – due to an event not being held, maybe have a bunch of posters all around the school, catered to the rough age groups that would be in the areas.
  • Student Wellness:
    • R U OK Day coming up, SLC run event?
    • Next meeting: Tuesday Week 8 (29th of August) 

Primary SLC 

There will be a meeting this Friday to brainstorm ideas for summer such as, finding sunscreen and water dispensers for the canteen. All the students will need are their computers if they have one and we will meet in one of the primary classrooms.