Work Experience

Chelsea McCallum and Abby Mulquiny

Myki - Ticket To Travel

Can parents please ensure their child has access to a Myki Card. Students will be using Myki daily, travelling to and from their work experience placements. 


To create an account, register or top up Myki cards please visit the following website.


Special Work Experience Arrangements:

Two of our Year 10 students have been successfully accepted into Work Experience placements which required an application process. Students will be participating in these amazing opportunities in addition to our structured two weeks placement during late November. 


We congratulate Georgia Wright, who is this week participating in Work Experience at Photography Studies College in South Melbourne. Georgia will be joined by four other students from Brighton Secondary College, Braemar College, Norther College or the Arts & Technology and Thornbury High School. Georgia will be sitting in on Certificate 4 classes and experiencing the studio, digilabs and print shop. We look forward to her report next week!


We would also like to congratulate Taylah Boyle who has been accepted with the Victoria Police force. Taylah’s placement will take place during December. 


Thank you to those who shared our Work Experience Facebook Post, all students have now secured 2 placements.