Years F-6 Coordinator

Kim Fitzpatrick

F-6 Key Dates:
Fri11th Primary SLC Meeting


Book Week

Book Week Dress Up

Kinder Transition

Meeting 3.30pm

Wed23rdParent Teacher Interviews
Wed30thOpen Numeracy Classes

Calder Athletics

I have had to make this the head of our section of the bulletin as there has been a real buzz around the Primary building since last Thursday when our students won the Aggregate Shield at the Calder Athletic sports held over at Charlton Park!

Loads of excitement when we were announced winners!

We also had two students, Nate Lane and Archie Smyth achieve the maximum score of 21 points!! Such wonderful achievements. 


Our students were wonderful ambassadors for the College, competing to the best of their ability in good spirit. We have some great little athletes coming through! The support from our parents, was also great. It is amazing what interest can do! The kids and staff appreciate your support. Thanks to Mr McCallum for all his overall organisation of the day, and to our staff for carrying out their duties to allow the students this experience. 

Millah in the long jump. 

Tom lines up the discus.

Renee, Sophie and Eve in the long distance.

Anna and Lacey in the hurdles. 


Star Students

Foundation: Franklin, for adopting a growth mindset to his learning. 

Year 1 & 2 Learning Detectives of the week: Jonathon, for having a happy approach to learning.


Year 3 & 4: Cody for working hard to solve problems in Digital Tech

Year 5 & 6: Marlly, for trying her best and having good work habits. 


Reading Awards

Reading is a great activity just before bed. Congratulations to the students who reached the following milestones:

50 nights: Marlly

100 nights: Harrison

125 nights: Eli and Cody

150 nights: Renee and Campbell                                                                        

Book Recommendation

Josh recommended the book titled “The Odd 1’s Out” by James Rallison. This is a comedy that is set at school, Lazer tag, the science fair, and home. The main character is James, Luke and Faith. James is trying to be cool while growing up. Josh represents this book to students in years 3 and up and rates it 5 stars.


Kinder Transition Meeting

We will be holding a “Get to Know Charlton College” session on Monday the 21st of August, beginning at 3.30pm. This will be an opportunity for parents of 2024 Foundation students to learn about the College and ask questions. Importantly, it was a chance for the children to familiarise themselves with the school and their classroom teacher, Lizzie Judd in readiness for the transition day. 


Around the classrooms:

Sam and Franklin, buddy reading


Renee and Marley, buddy reading


This term in science, the Year 5's and 6's are learning about reversible and irreversible changes. Last week, they had an enjoyable time making slime to investigate whether the change that happens to PVA glue, when used to make slime, is reversible or irreversible. It took all lesson to make the slime, but their hard work paid off as yesterday, they had the chance to play with their slime and finally determined that the change to the PVA glue was irreversible.  

Lacey and Anna mixing.

Marley and Rhys mixing. 

Ollie with his slime.


Meanwhile, the Year 1's and 2's have been learning about plastic in their science classes. On Friday, they had a go at building models of polymers, using paperclips, to learn about why there are different types of plastics. They discovered that plastics that have more links between polymer chains were more strong and rigid than plastics whose polymer chains had fewer links. 

Archie and Molly busy making their models.

Year 5 & 6 had their first experience with the Spheros this week. A bit of a challenge to control!