Prep News 

Important Reminders 

  • School Tools: Just a friendly reminder that your child’s school tools book is a great resource for home and school. Inside are word lists (both decodable and heart words) to practise and logins to both Maths Seeds and Wushka. 
  • Inquiry: This week your child would have brought home a piece of card with a question on it “What was something special that happened in your life and why?” We would love if you could record different family member’s answers and return it over the next week. (Read below for more details)
  • Fathers Day Morning: On Friday the 1st of September, we will be hosting a Fathers’ Day/Special persons morning tea from 9.15-10am. More information will be sent soon. If you have someone special attending instead of a Dad please get in touch with your child’s teacher so the appropriate resources can be arranged.
  • Excursion: On Monday August 14th, Prep students will head to MoPA for their very first excursion. Students need to wear their full school uniform and will not take their school bags. Please pack your child a named drink bottle, and snack and lunch in two separate bags, labelled with their name. 

Learning in Action


Last week, we finished our Poetry Unit focusing on the strategies visualising and making connections. Students shared what the poem reminded them of in their own lives. The preps challenged themselves to write their own rhyming couplet about an animal. For example, rats sit on hats. They even wrote an acrostic poem about school. This week, we have moved on to our Personal Narrative unit. We read Grandpa and Thomas by first predicting the storyline and later, making a connection to our personal lives. We chose a small moment from the book to write about and enjoyed creating our own small moment by building a tower with blocks to write about. 


Preview- Next week we will read another Personal Narrative with a focus on predicting the storyline and making connections. Students will write their own personal narrative about our excursion to MoPA. 


In Maths we have started our new whole number unit, where students have been learning about teen numbers. Students have learnt that a teen number has one group of ten and some more. Students have learnt how to make and represent a teen number using unifix and tens frames, read and write teen numbers. Students have a whole number goal they are working towards including make and represent, reading and writing, counting forwards and backwards, compare and order and identifying parts within a number. 

We have started a new unit on time, focusing on the days of the week. Students have learnt to put the days of the week in the correct order, and discuss events that happen on particular days at school eg. on Thursdays we go to the library and on what days the canteen is open. Also students have discussed events that happen in their personal lives, eg. swimming, basketball training. 

Preview:Next week we will continue learning about teen numbers and students will continue working on their whole number goals. 


Over the past fortnight, students’ delved deeper into our history unit, looking into our family histories. We begun by learning about different cultural events that are celebrated all over the world, knowing that different families have different celebrations that are meaningful to them. The Prep’s drew pictures of their family celebrations, sharing it with their peers. Across Prep we have students who celebrate Diwali, Christmas, Chinese New Year, Easter and Hanukkah.

Avneet PD celebrates Diwali
Olivia PD celebrates Christmas
Eli PD celebrates Chinese New Year
Avneet PD celebrates Diwali
Olivia PD celebrates Christmas
Eli PD celebrates Chinese New Year

This week students read the story ‘Farmhouse’ and looked at personal events that were special to this family. We then reflected on our own lives, drawing a significant event that impacted us. The Preps would have brought home a piece of card with the question “What was something special that happened in your life and why?” We would love for this to be handed around your family, recording the answers as you go. When these return to school we will put them on display, ensuring we learn about everyone’s different pasts.


Preview- In our Author Study we are beginning to look at the personal histories of people who have changed the world!



On Monday 24th July, all of Lysterfield Primary School celebrated International Friendship Day with a Friendship Morning. Circles groups assembled in the morning and discussed what it means to be a good friend, and then worked together to create a display for our school. If you haven’t seen the display, it is definitely worth checking out! It is right next to our Library, and reads ‘Friends are like flowers in the garden of life’. Students did an incredible job of creating and cutting out their flowers before the LPS Wellbeing Team displayed them. The Friendship Garden extends across walls and even ceilings! The Preps (as well as most other students across the school) are moving particularly slowly through the corridors at the moment in an effort to find their flowers. Friendship Morning was a big success and students should feel proud of what they have learned and achieved. 



Next week, students will continue the work they have started in Respectful Relationships on ‘Help Seeking’ by identifying people they can go to for help and illustrating them asking someone for help. Friendology will see students move on to session 6, which is about Friendship Fires and how to put them out.



100 Days of School

On Monday the 31st of July, we celebrated our 100th day of school! The Preps (or should we say oldies) had an amazing time doing things related to the number 100, including an exercise challenge, shape drawings, dot paintings and a lot more. We also made headbands, old crafts and saw what we would look like if we were in fact 100 years old!

This is a huge achievement for students, staff and families, so thank you for an incredible 100 days so far!

Pyjama Day

It was so lovely seeing students wearing their Pyjamas on Tuesday. Everyone looked nice and cosy and we had a great time having lunch with our Grade 5 buddies on this day. 

Student Awards

We would like to congratulate the following award winners on their achievements!

Please note, you will be notified before your child receives their first award. 


Prep B

Charlie M

Henry H 


Prep D

William P

Indy N


Prep L

All of Prep L

Brooklyn P


Prep R 

Annabelle B

Ayla I 


Values Award 


Aiden C



Meet the Teacher




We would like to wish the following students a very Happy Birthday! 

Prep R: 

Madison D - August 12th

Prep D:


Prep L:


Prep B:





Bronte Darvidis, Amanda Remington, Jess Bouloukis and Renae Lansdell

Prep Teachers