Student Report

Welcome back to term 3! Year 11's have started Unit 2 and Year 12's are up to their last term of school before exams begin.
No School on Monday, August 7th due to the Curriculum day. On August 31st we have our 3rd Meet and Connect which is a great opportunity for students and families to connect and share feedback. We have had our course counseling information session for the 2024 year 11 students. A bunch of excursions are booked for the rest of the year for both class related and extracurricular. Some of these that have happened include year 12 drama students participating in a workshop to prepare for their solo performances for their SAC and exam and year 12 outdoor Ed students on the snow trip.
It’s super exciting to see the frames going up for the Chirnside building extension. As well as the progression to the new technology learning space which will be a great asset for future learning at Tarneit Senior College.
Coming up, 4 students are competing in the Model UN Security Council Competition, we wish them luck. There are still several CATs and SACs scheduled for the remainder of the year as we head toward year 10, 11, and 12 Exams.
- Kiara Huynh and Flynn Becker - College Captains