Learning How To Bounce Back!

Tanya Vaughan - Head of Primary

There was a very powerful moment in our Term 3 Primary Worship Assembly this week when our Year 5 Drama students performed a well-constructed skit entitled, The Stool.


Throughout the skit, there was a dialogue between the main character (let’s call them Flossy), and ‘Jesus’. Flossy invites Jesus to sit on The Stool and make daily decisions – decisions which slowly display Jesus’ character and wisdom. But as the play unfolds, Flossy physically pushes her way back onto The Stool, demonstrating the struggle of allowing Jesus to sit on The Stool and make decisions. Without Jesus’ wisdom and counsel, Flossy does not always make the best choices. 


The final scene depicts Flossy and Jesus both holding The Stool. Jesus challenges her by saying, “You need to make the choice. You need to decide". Flossy considers whether she really wants Jesus to take ownership of The Stool. This powerful moment ends in Flossy deciding that she will not give up ownership, and instead snatches the stool away. 


There was a silence, then a deep sigh, as members of the audience were left to reflect on the choices they make daily, and how well we as God’s people really allow Jesus to guide and lead us in our decision making. I commend the Year 5 students, ably directed by Miss Reed, for their portrayal of this relatable and thought-provoking scene. 


Mrs Bryant then shared the story of Joseph found in Genesis. Joseph had many choices to make in response to the challenges his life presented. On one hand, you could understand if he chose to seek revenge (albeit not a very Godly choice) after the way his brothers had treated him. Instead, Joseph allowed God to sit on The Stool of decision making, and offered grace, forgiveness and blessing to his family in their greatest time of need.


Joseph is a wonderful example of resilience, or ‘bouncing back’ – the wellbeing theme that we are focusing on in the Primary School this term. Resilience is not an easy concept to grasp, but through story and sharing of experiences, we can help our children to begin to articulate ways in which they can ‘bounce back’ or demonstrate resilience when challenges arise.


We are all presented with choices and challenges each day – our students included! Will you, will they, will we demonstrate a willingness to allow Jesus to sit on The Stool and give us wisdom as we ‘bounce back’ – and by doing so, demonstrate our trust in God’s good plan? This is our deep hope this term.