Learning & Teaching

Prep News

On Friday the 4th of August the Preps celebrated their 100th day of school at Sacred Heart Kew. This year, our theme was ‘100 Days Brighter’. What a bright and wonderful day it was! 

The Preps came into school in their colourful t-shirts that were decorated with 100 items.

The day began with the Preps completing many fun activities that celebrated the milestone. The activities included racing their way to 100, building a tower using 100 cups, creating a picture of what they will look like when they reach 100 and writing out 100 words. The Preps also created a 100 days of school crown and necklace, and enjoyed decorating a biscuit…. delicious! The day was topped off with a special visit from their Year 6 buddies. 


Thank you to all the helpers who assisted with the activities throughout the morning. The day would have not been as successful without your support.