Deputy Principal

Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS): Monday 28 August – Friday 15 September 2023

Throughout each year, we pause to listen to our students, families and staff to gauge how our learning community is travelling. This feedback is invaluable to our progress as effective school communities and is backed by evidence-based research and best practices. 


A significant and formal way in which we engage and gather data is through MACSSIS, the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys. 

MACSSIS is a set of surveys that have been built specifically for Catholic schools in Melbourne by the Learning Services team at MACS, in partnership with researchers at Learning First and in wide consultation with principals in our schools.


In 2023, students, families and staff are invited to participate in MACSSIS via our secure and purpose-built online platform. The online platform is where our school leaders will access the summary reports that visualise the results of the student, family and staff surveys. 


The MACSSIS survey platform is operated by an independent supplier, ORIMA Research Pty Ltd. The platform meets with the high security and privacy standards for handling student and school data. Participating schools are in the process of updating their privacy policy to ensure school communities are fully informed and protected.  


Students at our school will be provided with supervised sessions, where teachers are on hand to help and answer any questions. Families and staff can complete the survey anytime over the three-week window (28 August - 15 September) via an emailed link and password. Feedback has indicated that previous surveys were completed across a range of mobile devices and different web browsers. Schools will be providing more information about MACSSIS throughout Term 2 and 3, via newsletters and social media. 


Our community’s opinions are critical to understanding how our school is performing – MACSSIS is a key data source for guiding the ongoing work to improve our school. 


All participation is invited, welcomed and 100 per cent voluntary. The surveys are not a test; they are an inclusive way to support the work we are already doing to improve our school. Everyone has the right to refuse to participate, or withdraw from the survey at any point before, during or after completion of the survey. Please notify the school if your child does not wish to participate.


If you would like more information, please contact

Book Week at Sacred Heart Kew

Click on the links below for a range of easy DIY costume ideas: 




Scholastic Book Fair

We are very excited to host the Scholastic Book Fair this year from Wednesday 23 August to Tuesday 29 August in the MPR. 


Book Fairs are designed to give kids access to more books they want to read, from relevant new-releases to classic award winners. Every book sold at the Book Fair earns free books for our school.


On Wednesday 23 August, all students will visit the Book Fair and write a Wish List of the books that they like. The Book Fair will be open for families to visit at the following days and times:



Thursday 24 August

8:30am - 9:00am

3:15pm - 3:45pm

Friday 25 August

8:30am - 9:00am

3:15pm - 3:45pm

Monday 28 August

8:30am - 9:00am

3:15pm - 3:45pm

Tuesday 29 August

8:30am - 9:00am

3:15pm - 3:45pm

If you are unable to visit the Book Fair with your child, they will be able to bring money in an enclosed envelope and purchase the book themselves. Please inform the classroom teacher that this will occur. Alternatively you can purchase your child's Wish List books using a credit card on the back of the Wish List form. This form needs to be returned to Mrs Gerec.

Operoo reminder - Please read

A reminder that the MACS Code of Conduct for (Parents/Guardians/Carers) and the MACS Code of Conduct for (Students) (attached documents below), that were uploaded to Operoo towards the end of last term must be read and signed off by all Parents/Guardians/Carers and Students. Thanks to those parents who have already completed this.  


Please note that the new MACS Code of Conduct for (Parents/Guardians/Carers) replaces the Code of Conduct that parents/carers signed off on Operoo at the start of this year. 



Thanks for your support and understanding with these updates and for your completion of the relevant Code of Conduct documents.

National Day of Action - Friday 18 August


Assemblies will be held on Fridays at 2.30pm in the MPR. Families are invited to attend. The following dates indicate which class/year level will be presenting Spotlight on Learning:


Term 3

Friday 18 August - Year 2

Monday 21 August - Book Week Parade

Friday 1 September - No Assembly

Friday 8 September - No Assembly (Wellbeing Groups)

Friday 15 September - No Assembly (End of Term 3 12:45pm)