Effective learning in Personal Development, Health and Physical Education is underpinned by the development of skills that assist students to adopt a healthy, active and fulfilling lifestyle. These include the ability to:

  • communicate effectively
  • make informed decisions
  • interact positively with others in groups and teams
  • move with competence and confidence in a range of contexts
  • devise and implement plans to achieve goals
  • solve problems creatively


Year 7students appear to have settled in well to high school and are working through the Guided Inquiry unit 'This is Me'. As the major Assessment Task for the term, students will create their Identity Passport, delving into identity, relationships, and the changes they face as they navigate through adolescence.


In practical lessons, students are improving their skills in Athletics, as well as participating and interacting in some initiative and problem solving activities and games. The MDCC Athletics Carnival is in Week 10 on Wednesday 30th March, so students are encouraged to participate in as many events as possible, putting to use the skills they have developed in class in practical lessons this term.


Year 8 is focusing on the unit ‘Movement Skill and Performance’. Within this unit students will film themselves performing a specialised movement skill and evaluate their ability to perform that skill. They are playing European Handball early in the term and later on will participate in Cross Country running practice in practical lessons. Our Cross Country is in Week 8, on Tuesday 15 March, so there is plenty of time for students to get in some training!


Year 9 students are fine-tuning their Athletics skills in practical lessons, and are learning about ‘Respectful relationships’ in theory lessons. 


YEAR 10 

Year 10 students are working on the Guided Inquiry unit 'Taking Charge.' Students will create an information resource to assist younger students in developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle as part of their Semester 1 Assessment.



Year 10 students attended the Deanery Swimming Carnival last week as part of a unit called Event Management. They should be commended for their outstanding behaviour and organisational skills while representing the College. During their practical and theory lessons, students are currently focusing on Coaching Skills.



Students are working on their strength and fitness in Term 1, and recording their achievements in their journal each lesson. They are aiming to see visible improvements in their fitness as they progress through the year.



Students are studying Play-Based Learning. Students are looking at the importance of play in the development and learning of young children. They can be seen here making their own PlayDoh.


Year 11 are participating in Games and Sports application; playing a variety of sports where they focus on attacking and defending strategies. Year 12 SLR students have been enjoying their Covid-safe visits to the Gym; Snap Fitness.

Mrs Bernadette Priest | Acting PDHPE KLA Leader