Principal's Address

Dear Parents / Carers,


We are approaching the mid point of the term and the last fortnight has been filled to the brim with learning and activities at the College, including today's Sherrin House Day.



Next week, our College community will receive the ashes on Ash Wednesday during morning prayer, marking the beginning of the season of Lent. This time is an opportunity for us to look inwardly at our own lives and to consider how we can make a positive difference for ourselves and others. One way is to look at the way that we relate to others, to consider our attitudes to all people. But it is not enough to consider what we might do if we do not act to make a change for the better. 


As well as our own personal preparations for Easter during Lent, the College community will again support the work of Caritas through Project Compassion. In Homegroups, students will hear the story of individuals and families in need of assistance as a part of their daily prayer and have the opportunity to respond by donating to support this vital work.


Our spirituality is as personal as our breath or our fingerprint but, as we move through the forty days of Lent, we might on occasion, surrender freely to the quiet within us, to rediscover the resources and strengths that are there. We might begin to see better and appreciate more, the value of our existence, to see ourselves with more gratitude and respect and to see others in a like manner. 


We pray:


Lord, I will turn, 

Turn my face towards you.

I will lay before you the desert areas I hide

And turn to soak in your refreshing words of life.

I will cast aside the barren, selfish pursuits

And turn to rest in the tranquil warmth of your love.

I will draw back from the harsh pull of media

And turn to bathe in the gentle power of your Spirit.

Lord, today I turn my face towards you.


I will turn

To soak in your words of life,

To rest in the warmth of your love,

And to bathe in the power of your Spirit.

Lenten prayer poem by Julie Palmer © 2018



The College community has been deeply saddened by the tragic loss of Mrs Rebecca Lewis.


Eternal life grant to her, O Lord.

May perpetual light shine upon her.

May she rest in peace. Amen.


We pause to think of the Lewis family and friends, may God hold them in the palm of his hand and give them strength and courage at this time.



The Annual General Meeting of the College Council was held yesterday, followed by a regular meeting. As we do not have any retiring elected members, a nomination process is not required this year. We welcomed Mr Andrew Nicholson as an appointed member to the Council with a focus on supporting the education of First Nation students and look forward to his contribution. Congratulations to Mrs Lisa Simpson who was re-elected as Chair and Mrs Angela McGill who was re-elected as Secretary. Other members of the College Council in 2022 are:

  • Mr Andrew McIntosh
  • Mr Steve Bloomfield
  • Ms Rhena Geraghty
  • Mr Vince Powell

We thank them for their service to the College in this important role.



The enrolment process for next year’s Year 7 is beginning with school visits to our local Catholic primary schools this week, ahead of our Open Night on 1 March. Several of our current Year 8 students  joined me for the school visits, with many returning to their own primary school to share something of their Year 7 experience.


If you have a child in Year 6, or have family/friends in this situation, please invite them to come to our Open Night, commencing with College tours at 5.30pm with the last tour leaving at about 7.00pm. COVID safety requirements mean that we will be unable to gather together in the College Hall after the tours. Instead, new families will be invited to view a similar presentation online. As well as focusing on learning at Mater Dei, the presentation will provide information on the enrolment process and timeline. 


A link will be available on the College Facebook page and the College website in the Enrolment section from Tuesday. It promises to be a great night to see learning in action and we hope to see you there.



Thank you to parents/carers who supported our processes for sending RAT kits home and administering them to help to keep our community safe at school. 


Changes to COVID restrictions in secondary schools from Monday were provided to families via Compass yesterday and are included in the News section of this edition of the newsletter.


COVID hygiene practices must be continued onsite and students are required to stay home if they have symptoms of a respiratory illness or test positive to COVID.


2022 FEES

Accounts were recently sent to families. If any family has not received theirs, please contact the College. Please take the time to review your account. If you have an outstanding amount from 2021 please pay the arrears as soon as possible. As well, please ensure that any regular payments are sufficient to cover the annual fees.


The timely payment of school fees is crucial to the running of the College. Thank you to our families who make a commitment to the prompt and regular payment of their fees. I understand, that at times it may be difficult to manage all financial commitments but please be reassured that support through the Diocesan Hardship Application process is available and that your situation will be  handled confidentially and sensitively. The College Finance Manager, Mrs Rebecca King, can answer any questions that may arise around fee accounts and the payment of fees.



We all share the responsibility for keeping young people safe when they are using online platforms. The College system does not allow students to access social media platforms on College devices while they are at school and students are not permitted to use their phones during learning time at Mater Dei. Filming by students is not permissible on the College site.


College policies relating to online learning and access are published on the College Website and can be found in the Policies section of the Information page.



Next Week is Catholic Schools Week and as well as Open Night, a focus for us will be our participation in the Parish Youth Mass at 10am on Sunday, 6 March. All families are warmly invited to join with the Mater Dei Primary School and Sacred Heart Primary School communities, as we celebrate Catholic Schools Week together. The 2022 theme is  'Arise and Bear Witness' and in this spirit, we pray that those most needing love and support will feel our care and support. May each of us be beacons of hope in these challenging times, through our words and our deeds.



The 2022 student leaders received their badges this week, as they were installed into their leadership positions. I congratulate the students and thank them for their willingness to serve our College community as they “live God’s message” in their words and deeds this year.



Please find attached information and e-petition from Bishop Mark regarding the voluntary assisted dying bill.


As we commence our Lenten Journey next week on Ash Wednesday, we pray for all members of our Mater Dei community that we may be open to God’s message in our lives and gracious in our response as we reach out to support those around us, especially families impacted by COVID.


We pray in a special way for Mrs Rebecca Gill and her husband Ian as they await the arrival of their baby next month. 


Please keep the Lewis family and all families who are grieving for loved ones in your prayers.



Mrs Val Thomas | Principal