March, 2022


Dear BAMS Families,


I would like to thank you all for coming into school for the student-led conferences. There were a lot of smiles as people left the conferences and I am happy to have the students present and at the center of the conversation. After all, it's their education! If you were unable to schedule a slot due to timing or other issues, please reach out to your respective adviser to see if you can schedule something. We can Zoom if necessary. If you cannot work out a time, someone in the office will be happy to sit-in on the conference in the adviser role. The quarter 3 reporting period ends this Friday and starting next week, we are in our last quarter of the year!


Topics of diversity, equity and social justice continue to be a large part of our work now, and in the future. Recently, a group of high school students from their AWARE group (a group for students of color), presented to our 8th grade students regarding the differences between cultural assimilation and cultural affirmation. It might be worth asking your 8th grader if they can describe the differences and give any examples. Here are a few photos (I apologize for my poor photography skills). 


Planning ahead: Our 8th grade move-up ceremony is scheduled for Wednesday, June 15th at 6:00 PM. We will be planning to hold the ceremony outside, but will need to move the ceremony to Tuesday the 14th or Thursday the 16th, if the weather is a major issue.


Thank you for being actively involved in your child's education!



Keith Lyman- Principal

Talking About Race

Talking with Kids about Race and Racial Violence, a three part series with Grace Aldrich and Emma Redden.  Based on some of our conversations and the questions and challenges families are facing, Mikaela Simms, Diversity Coordinator, has set up this opportunity for families and caregivers in the supervisory union.  Check out the attached flyer and sign up at the link below.


We will have our regular meeting for parent/caregiver check ins on Wednesday, March 30th, 5-5:30pm.  We want to keep our momentum and building community with each other.  Our format will include an opportunity for each person to share (if they want to) and a commitment to creating a space of respect and care for the unique identities we each bring with us to the group.  Join us to discuss topics on equity affecting our families and schools.  You can bring topics and your own experiences to shape and share in the conversations.


The 3 part workshop on Talking with Kids about Race and Racial Violence is from 5:30-7:30pm on the last Wednesday of each month.  Please invite others!

If you know someone who would like to sign up for the calls or workshops please forward them this link:

Flyer for the Event

Kindness Campaign

Our student Leadership has brightened our school over the past several weeks by spreading kindness all over the school. Most recently, hearts were made for every student and staff member in school and exchanged between advisories. They put them up on the wall to spell kindness. 

Our School's Website

Our website offers a lot of information about the school. Right on the main page, you can find links to updates sports information, announcements, and links to the team's homework websites. I encourage you to check it out on a regular basis.