5/6 T



We have been learning to measure and estimate angles. The students have been finding angles in the environment and learning how to use their prior knowledge to make educated estimations before using a protractor to measure the angles. 

Here are some photos of when the classes joined together to make and measure angles using rope and large protractors. 





We have been working on tightening the tension in our writing through using our 5 senses. 

We have had a focus on vocabulary and are encouraging students to select words with impact. 



I could hear the rope pulling me up. My friends were cheering below but there was no turning back now...



My heart pounded faster as I got higher on the ladder. My throat got dry as I got to the top, regrets float in my head as my harness got stuck. I started to panic as I saw others coming, I didn't know what to do... 



I was paralysed as I heard the kids in front scream. The harness was cold and stiff, suddenly I was pushed off... 



As we walked towards the giant swing I felt my heart beating fast. The harness felt strange strapped to my body... 



Click, click, click, the sound of the ropes lifting me up in the air. I was feeling butterflies. I looked at my harness and I saw that it was too loose but I was midair and there was no turning back now.