3/4 V


The past fortnight we have been learning about place value. A concept that has been really important is benchmarking. Benchmarks allow students to place numbers accurately on a number line. If we have a number line from 0 - 100, students have been learning to place 50 in the middle, 25 in between 0 and 50 and 75 between 50 and 100. This allows students to place any other numbers in the correct position. It has been fantastic to see them so engaged and enthusiastic about this topic. 

Our next unit for Mathematics is Shape. We will be starting this next week. 


What does Reading look like in our classroom?  Our students participate in a variety of activities during our Reading sessions.  They may be working in a small group with the Teacher or Learning Support Officer, listening to or reading a book online on Epic!, reading to someone or reading to themselves.  Last week we even went outside to play a reading game of monitoring our understanding as we are reading.

During writing we are working on Sizzling Starts!  Students worked in groups to brainstorm actions, words and sounds for a given story topic, that they could then use to incorporate into their Sizzling Start.

Camp Manyung (Tuesday 15th - Wednesday 16th March)

Thank you to all of those families who returned their forms for our camp that is fast approaching. Over the next few weeks we will be having many camp meetings to discuss the finer details of what the days will look like and show some photos from previous camps. Please reach out if you have questions or concerns. 


This week we have introduced diaries to the students and it will become a part of their nightly routine to bring it home and get it checked. We are encouraging students to practise 20 minutes of reading per night. Not all students will have a levelled reader, so they can use a book from home or a book from the library. The purpose of the diary is to get students to write what book they have been reading and the page numbers. We would love for parents/guardians to be checking their diary and signing it regularly. If you have any questions about appropriate texts for your students, please feel free to ask. 




Miss Vanessa and Miss Georgia