

Through language experiences such as making popcorn and pancakes, the students used their five senses to describe the experiences. These activities encourage students to explore and use WOW words and rich vocabulary. We have also read picture storybooks such as The Very Hungry Bear and Grandpa and Thomas. The students are encouraged to predict the story by looking at the front cover and the title. We also discuss the meanings of different words to help us create mental images about the character or setting, but it also adds to the students' vocabulary bank. Last week, the students retold the story's main ideas, and I drew the pictures. They also included the rhyming words and focus words in the story. After reading How to Catch a Star, the students created an alien using playdough and a variety of materials and then the students designed a bear cave for the polar bear in The Very Hungry Bear story. 



During Maths, the students have continued exploring different ways to make repeating patterns. This has included using numbers and letters to describe patterns such as AB, AABB and ABC. We have enjoyed listening to students that have seen patterns in their home environments, fr example, a pattern on a handbag and floor files. The students have also identified the patterns in numbers and growing number patterns and described how they grow. 


Education in Faith 

Who is God? What makes God special? During Education in Faith, we explored and discussed these two questions. We read two books to assist the students in understanding who is God and then considering why God is so special and where can we see God. The students then demonstrated their knowledge of God through drawing and voice. On Monday afternoon, we went on a meditation walk through the school grounds. We quietened our minds and used our senses to find God. 


We have also learned about Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, and Lent this week. We made pancakes for Shrove Tuesday and this week was Ash Wednesday which is the commencement of Lent, and a Lent prayer service was held in the Prep classroom. During the prayer service, the students listened to the story Be Kind and discussed different ways to show kindness towards others during Lent.