5/6 C

Mr Cameron and Miss Judy

Wow... things have moved so quickly, we're at Week 6 already! We seem to have settled into a routine and have established a great sense of solidarity. This was made most evident last week during a social experiment conducted to show how easily prejudice and discrimination can be part of our world and to give the students an opportunity to experience it first hand. The activity compelled pupils to question discrimination and to discuss fundamental human rights. The students were excellent in their response and the compassion they showed towards one another during the de-brief.


They identified a range of people that experience discrimination and prejudice that they wish to understand further - this will be our investigation for Inquiry in the coming weeks.




We have been learning to measure and estimate angles. The students have been finding angles in the environment and learning how to use their prior knowledge to make educated estimations before using a protractor to measure the angles. 




In our writing we have begun to recognise how to keep the interest of the reader by having scenes that increase the tension. This happens best when the scene includes details about what sensations that character was experiencing. Using various prompts (including my sky-dive from years ago) the students are asked to use each of the five senses plus emotions to describe a scene.


Here are some great examples...


Mr Cameron