Child Safe Environments

Glen Education has a moral and legal responsibility to ensure that all children are safe whilst in our care and will provide training, resources, information and guidance to support this.
Victoria has mandatory minimum child safety standards that apply to most organisations working with children. All organisations working with children are strongly encouraged to ensure they have child safe strategies in place. There are seven child safe standards that Glen Education comply with.
We ensure that all children attending the kindergarten are provided with a safe environment and all steps are taken by educators to care for the health, safety and wellbeing of children.
Glen Education have a particular focus on promoting the cultural safety of Aboriginal children, the cultural safety of children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and the safety of children with disability.
Educators also have a duty of care to take action if they are concerned about a child and provide effective intervention for children who may be at risk of abuse or neglect.
This may include a referral to The Orange Door or a report to Child Protection. The Orange Door provides a way for people experiencing family violence and families who need help with the care and wellbeing of their children to access the support they need.
The Orange Door is a free, voluntary service in Victoria that provides professional support and advice to families, professionals and the general community. Families needing additional support are encouraged to contact The Orange Door on
1800 319 353