Respectful Behaviour

Everyone who enters a kindergarten, whether volunteering, working or visiting, plays a key role in shaping and influencing the kindergarten. This is also the workplace for our educators and as such they have a right to work in a workplace that provides them with a safe working environment. This requires a consistent approach and commitment to the following:
All people volunteering, working or visiting our kindergarten will…….
- treat everybody with respect and dignity and value individuals for who they are and their unique contribution to the kindergarten
- be clear and transparent about decision-making processes, wherever possible providing opportunities for input
- give new ideas from others a fair hearing and proper consideration
- take a proactive approach to workplace health, safety and wellbeing
- be invited to participate and engage in kindergarten activities, and Glen Education events
- role model positive behaviours at all times
- always behave ethically, honestly and with integrity
Glen Education will not tolerate the following behaviour:
- verbal abuse of any staff member, family member or child
- threats either verbal or physical in nature
- the use of any profanities irrespective of the circumstances
- the entry by visitors into educator's work areas where such entry is clearly prohibited
- educators, or visitors attending the kindergarten must not be under the influence of drugs or be intoxicated
Any instances of the above occurrences may result in exclusion of the adult from the kindergarten program.