Incursions and Excursions

Excursions and events, such as incursions, are planned to extend the educational program and further develop the current interests of children.
Events outside of the kindergarten could involve a trip to the local supermarket, the park, the post box or other local places of interest. Children will either walk to and from the destination or will access local public transport within the designated regular outing area, such as the bus, tram or train. The period the child will be away from the premises could range from 10 minutes to a few hours.
The anticipated number of children likely to be attending the excursion could range from a small group to all of the group, at any one time.
Families will be made aware of these regular outings prior to and/or after the event where practicable. Permission is gained at the time of enrolment.
Supervision standards will be maintained at all times (with a minimum of a 1:11 ratio) and a risk assessment of the proposed destinations conducted.
Consideration will be given to any extra costs involved and to ensuring that all children can attend regardless of their abilities, additional needs or medical conditions.
Written authorisation for the child to attend formal excursions outside of the regular outings will be obtained from a parent/guardian or person named in the child’s enrolment record before the event.
We regularly invite visitors from the wider community into the kindergarten for the children in all groups to capture children’s interest and imagination. This may include things such as a regular visit each week from Playball or Yoga, or a one-off visit to experience drama, music, dance or topics such as the responsible pet ownership program or Melbourne Museum’s dinosaur fossils. These visits are then followed up within the educational program to extend children's learning.