Attending Kindergarten

Session Times
Your Glen Education Kindergarten session timetable, including term dates and public holidays is available on our website:
On commencement of the kindergarten year, shorter sessions will be offered to families for the first two to three weeks of Term 1 to give educators the opportunity to meet with the children on an individual basis. In the case of children requiring a more individualised program, this will be formulated in conjunction with educators and families.
An orientation timetable will be provided during the enrolment process and is also available on the Glen Education website. The educators at the kindergarten can also answer questions about orientations.
We are committed to supporting successful transitions for all children and can support families to develop a responsive and individualised transition plan for your child.
You can read more about how to support your child through the transition to kindergarten on our website: Transition to Kindergarten - Glen Education
Door Security
Please ensure on all occasions that the door you enter, or exit is securely closed behind you. Parents/guardians will be provided with a PIN code prior to your child starting Kindergarten so that you can enter these areas. Please treat this PIN as confidential to prevent unauthorised access to the children’s program.
For your child to feel comfortable, learn and develop from our program, it is important for your child to attend on a regular basis. Please communicate with the kindergarten any absences for any period of time by phone or email. If your child is unwell, include the nature of the illness to support the service in minimising the spread of infection. The kindergarten may be able to provide you with support and health information.
Arrival and Departure
Parents/guardians must sign and enter the time of arrival and departure in the attendance book. If a person other than a parent/guardian is collecting a child from the service, the name of that person must be noted in the attendance book and prior written authorisation must be given. If this person was not included on the initial enrolment form, educators can help you to add additional people who are authorised to collect your child.
All children must be collected by an adult who is known to them and is at least 18 years of age.
Photo ID will be required at the time of collection for all unknown individuals. In the case of an emergency, a phone call advising who will collect the child is acceptable. When a parent/guardian is running late, it is important that educators are notified via a phone call.
Continued late arrival may result in a late collection fee.