OSHC News 

Cultural Celebrations

At OSHC, we have been celebrating a different country every week! We have been trying their food and engaging in lots of artwork. The countries and cultures we have celebrated so far are Ukraine, Italy, and indigenous culture for Reconciliation week.

Highly requested recipe from Ukrainian week

Deruny (Ukrainian Potato Pancakes)

Prep time: 15 minutes

Cook time: 8 minutes

Serving: 20 pancakes



5 large Yukon potatoes

1.25 small yellow onions

1.25 large eggs

3.75 tablespoons of all-purpose flour

1.25 teaspoons of sine salt, or to taste

0.3 teaspoon baking soda

Grapeseed oil, for frying



  1. Peel 4 large Yukon potatoes and 1 small yellow onion. Line a sieve with a large bowl so that the potatoes will drain while you finish grating. Into a sieve, grate potatoes and onion onto the star-shaped holes on the grater. Onion juice will prevent potatoes from browning. Dispose of most of the potato juice from the bowl underneath the sieve, but do not wash the potato starch. Keep the potato starch and add the grated potatoes and onions to the bowl with starch.
  2. Add 3 tbsp all-purpose flour, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon fine salt and ¼ teaspoon baking soda into the potato mixture. Mix well until incorporated. The potato batter will be thick, but still liquid enough to spoon.
  3. Heat 2-3 tablespoons of grapeseed oil in a large non-stick skillet over medium heat. Spoon 1 heaped tablespoon of potato mixture to make pancakes, about one inch apart. Fry them on each side until they are golden brown (about 3-4 minutes each side). Repeat the same procedure for the remaining batter. Serve Deruny warm with a dollop of sour cream.

Legend Awards

At OSHC, we believe it is important to acknowledge and celebrate students who demonstrate respect, kindness, active participation in activities, and a spirit of enjoyment! 


We invite you to visit OSHC and see our Wall of Legends displayed in the main room.

Carpark Reminder

We would like to remind families that the OSHC carpark is strictly for staff only - unless you require disability parking. This is for any time of the day, and all-weather conditions. This is due to safety concerns to ensure that no children are walking through the carpark with reversing cars and to avoid congestion with school and OSHC staff arriving/leaving for the day.  


We have also noticed some parents speeding into the carpark which is extremely unsafe.

There is ample parking available on Magill Road as well as at The Tower Hotel, so please park there and enter via the gate and pathway when dropping off or collecting your child/ren from OSHC.

OSHC Opening Times

Before School Care: 7:00 am - 8:45 am

After School Care: 3:05 pm - 6:15 pm

Vacation Care & Student Free Days: 7:30 am - 6:00 pm


OSHC is Closed on Public Holidays


2022 Fee 

Before School Care: $12.00

After School Care: $21.00


Absent Text Number 0418994032

Please include: Child/Children's full name, Date and Session time they aren't attending


OSHC Parent Handbook https://www.magillschool.sa.edu.au/uploads/files/parents/A5_2021_%202022%20OSHC%20Parent%20Handbook.pdf