
Paul Colvin - Science Technology & Numeracy Coordinator 

As part of the curriculum revamp that took place last year with respect to STEM subjects, a new stream of subjects was introduced at Years 7 and 8 under the banner of Project Based Learning (PBL). The aim of these subjects was to give students the opportunity to explore technologies and problems in a new and innovative way. One subject that was introduced was Joy in a Toy, which gives students the chance to design and create their own toy, with a focus being on the use of 3D printing. For students to create their own toy they must first master the skills required to digitally create their toy from scratch in a specialised program. This is often a lot harder than people think as students need to consider all aspects of their creation as simple mistakes can often have unintended consequences once the item is printed.


Under the guidance of Mr Naidoo, students this year have created a number of varying toys, including figurine-like characters, with one student actually creating a sensory toy with movable parts.