Around the College 

House Cross Country

The House Cross Country Event was held on Tuesday 23 May at the College.  Students kept to a laid out circuit, running laps around the College grounds.  The weather was kind (cold but sunny) and our students were enthusiastic.

MacKillop won the Junior Shield, Chisholm won the Intermediate Shield and Mannix won the Senior Shield by a good margin. A big congratulations to Ms Kappas and Mannix House who won the overall event.

Thanks to Mr Chuck Chan for his organisation of the event, ably assisted by Mr Luke Georgakopoulos, our new Sports Assistant.  We would also like to acknowledge our fantastic Facilities Team for set up and pack up,  Ms Mish Mackay for her wonderful photos and to all the staff who helped on the day.

Year 9 Robotics Competition

The Year 9 Robotics class turned up with their Robots to compete at Templestowe College in the final series of the VEX IQ Slapshot tournament. The students had to mechanically engineer their robots to perform a series of tasks and accumulate as many points as possible with each successful action. Students were also able to view some of the larger robots in action at the tournament. A special mention to Sebastian Amukotuwa and Jacob Tomson who finished in 4th place overall.


Mr John Powell

Instructional Leader Digital Technology





Building Bridges


Nazareth students from the Building Bridge Interfaith program attended the King David Jewish School last Tuesday. After the initial get-to-know-you activities the King Daivid students shared the cultural and religious items and stories of their faith, a highlight of which was seeing the schools Torah scroll. Then came the shared a traditional Jewish meal consisting of varieties of bagels. The final part of the evening is the small group discussion, where students learn to share respectfully through mediated questions with a trained facilitator. We look forward to Nazareth hosting the next session on Tuesday 18 July.

God bless


Mr Peter Nathan

Religious Education Teacher






Vinnies Winter Appeal Update

Thank you to all students who have donated generously to the Winter Appeal so far. Our running tally shows that Mannix is in the lead with 88 items.

With one week remaining, I urge every one of you to donate for the benefit of your fellow person. This is the time to BE KIND, demonstrate COMPASSION, be AWARE of those less fortunate and make a difference in some small way. We can ALL do that. Let us aim for 1000 items. Currently, we have 381.

A very special thank you to one of our parents who hand made 20 beautiful beanies and donated these to the Appeal. These will be greatly appreciated by people in need, over the coming winter months.

All donations will be finalised on Tuesday, coinciding with the Mass of the Sacred Heart ( Social Justice), so there is still time to donate.

Reconciliation Week

To commemorate Reconciliation Week, the Resource Centre had a display of Indigenous items and books, including the CBCA 2023 shortlisted Picture Book of the year, titled Come Together, by Isaiah Firebrace.  Some of these books have been read to Years 7 & 8s during their Wide Reading sessions, which has led to discussions about Australia’s history and First Nations People. Reconciliation Week will also be highlighted during the whole school mass next week.


Ms Lisa Douglass

Vinnies Coordinator

Resource Centre Co Manager

Japan Study Tour 2023 - Expression of Interest

We are currently waiting to learn whether Shibuya Junior High School, who visited us earlier in the year, can host interested Nazareth College students for a week from Monday 20 November 2023. This trip would then be extended into a second week where students from Nazareth College would travel around Japan to experience some of the cultural and historical sites.  This tour will be open to Year 8 & 9 students studying Japanese, as well as interested Year 10 and 11 students.


Please complete the attached Expression of Interest form and return it to the College via Student Services no later than Thursday 22 June.