Deputy Principal Staff and Students Report


On the weekend the Church celebrated the great Feast of Pentecost. This feast ends the Easter season and moves us into Ordinary Time.  Ordinary Time is not ordinary in the sense of boring. Having received the promised gift of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, this makes all things new. The ordinary events and activities of our life are transformed in meaning and purpose through the grace of our Risen Lord. The season of Ordinary Time is a time for us to be moved by the Holy Spirit to see things differently, to see things through the eyes of our crucified and risen savior. When we do this, we experience hearts of gratitude for all we have received and been blessed with. We start to have our hearts enlarged, growing in love for our neighbour (who is everyone), and in a particular way hearts for those in most need.

As we journey into winter and the very middle of the year, we pray for the grace to be fully present to the ordinary things of the day. We pray we can be people of great gratitude both to God and to anyone who is generous towards us. We pray also that we can see the struggle we have with something or someone, the work, the relationship we find difficult as an opportunity to pray, to call on God and to grow in love for God and our neighbour.


Last Thursday the school gathered for the first whole school assembly of the term. At the assembly we acknowledged some outstanding efforts from our students in sport, promoted and showcased the Production and heard from our Students Leaders and our Principal, Mr Sam Cosentino. There was a theme of students standing up and taking responsibility when things were not as they should be. A theme of building further the positive culture in our community. Hearts thinking about and being generous towards others will see our community grow even further.

Child Safety

To keep our community safe our school has a strict Hands Off Policy. Sometimes things can escalate quickly from a seemingly harmless touch. Students keeping their hands free from each other is a way of respecting members of our community and keeping each other safe. We encourage all parents/guardians/carers to work with us and talk to your child about the reasons for our Hands Off Policy.

Time Ahead

With exams approaching for students in Years 9, 10 and 11 and Unit 3 finishing up for Year 12  students it is a busy time. We encourage students to keep working, to persevere and doing their best to achieve the goals they have set themselves.

We continue to invite parents/guardians/carers to be in contact should we be able to support your child in any way in their learning or wellbeing.


God Bless


Mr Justin Duckett

Deputy Principal Staff and Students