Principal's Report

Dear Parents, Guardians, and friends of Nazareth 


Last week at our College Assembly, I spoke about our school culture and ensuring we retain a favourable school environment.


Of late, the College has had to take punitive measures to address the current vaping issues to which we are not immune.  I explained to the student body that it is extremely important not to allow peer pressure to sway students into experimenting or using vapes.


I gave an example of two young students from another Catholic school who tried vaping and inhaled unknown chemicals.  This action caused severe issues that resulted in both the students being hospitalised and having respiratory and heart problems.


At Nazareth, all our student toilets have vaper detectors that inform us immediately if someone is vaping.  We have articulated previously that if any students are in the bathrooms whilst an alarm is detected, you, as parents, will be informed.  Students that are identified as vaping will be addressed accordingly, as using a prohibited substance whilst on school grounds. Students will then be asked to complete some educational research on its dangers and be suspended from school as this is a serious breach.


Over the weekend, ‘Spotlight’ on Channel 7 aired an informative program on vaping.  I would strongly advise that your family watch this on catch up television and discuss the program with your children.  As an educator, it is our responsibility to inform our students and encourage them to educate themselves on the risks and dangers that seem to be surfacing due to addiction and the level of chemicals found in vapes.  Together we can be effective to ensure that we curb their popularity.  Please contact Pastoral Teachers, Heads of House, or any of our Deputy Principals if you have any concerns.


Other items discussed were the use of mobile phones.  Students were reminded, ‘to school and from school, but not while at school’.  If a mobile device is seen throughout the school day, it will be confiscated and stored in Students Services.  These can be collected at the end of the school day via a Head of House.  Parents will be asked to collect them on the second occasion and after that of a device being confiscated.  Please support us in ensuring that your child clearly understands our Mobile Devices Policy.


School uniform is a means to identify who we stand for.  We are judged not only by what we do but how we look and are attired.  A few students are letting their peers down by mixing and matching parts of the uniform. We expect all students to be dignified and respectful of their attire.  Over the coming weeks, we will continue to express and demand that our students proudly attire themselves correctly.


As outlined in this newsletter and at the College Assembly, these items are essential and makeup part of our culture that Nazareth would like to uphold. Please support each other in maintaining and further improving what we value.


In recognition of this week being National Reconciliation Week, I have included a beautiful prayer for you to reflect on 


In conclusion, today, I wish all our production students, staff, and crew, together with many support people, the very best over the coming evenings. Everyone has worked hard to bring you the best performance of ‘Seussical.’  We still have limited tickets available, so please come and celebrate with our students.  Book tickets HERE.


Keep safe, and God bless


Mr Sam Cosentino
