Careers News 

There is certainly a lot happening in the careers area at the moment. 

Victorian Careers Expo Excursion

Our Year 12 VCE students took a trip out to the Melbourne Showgrounds to see the Victorian Careers Expo on 18 May. I was so proud of our students and the initiative they took to speak to different stall holders about future careers, courses and pathways. They were actively involved and sought to follow up information gleaned by popping past my office since the excursion. It is great to see students being prepared to do what it takes to make an informed decision about the options available to them post Naz and what is best suited to them. Well done Guys!

We are two weeks out from Work Experience!

Our Year 10 students will be heading out on 19 June for a week of Work Experience. This is often regarded as the best week of the Year 10 year (and I am not even biased)!

In preparation, students have needed to undertake some OH&S training - please read below …

Year 10 Occupational Health and Safety Incursion - Work Experience Preparation 

Last Wednesday, all Year 10 students participated in an OH&S incursion in preparation for their Work Experience. This is a legal requirement so it was compulsory for all Year 10 students to undertake some education on the OH&S issues in the industry they are entering into (Industry Specific information), and of course, the hazardous issues that are general to all industries. 

Ms Caitlin Mackay, our Applied Learning Coordinator, presented important facts about health and safety laws and common hazards. She is very knowledgeable and engaging so we were lucky to hear from her (complete with some gruesome stories and videos). The purpose of this was not to scare students about the workplace, but merely to ensure that they understood their rights and responsibilities of being at work. The safety of our students is our utmost priority. 


Students need to complete two tests and modules (a General one and an Industry Specific one) which which reward them with completed certificates. These will be added to the student packs that they will receive next week. Employers will also receive packs so they are clear on the expectations, guidelines and student details. 


These two certificates will need to be submitted to me (or handed in to Student Services ) before 9am tomorrow (Friday 2 June). 




Any questions regarding this can be directed to me on 97908177 or at 


Attached are the latest issues of Compass Career News.


Mrs Elena Flodstrom

Careers and Pathways Coordinator