School Council

School Council Update

School Council update 

Firstly, I would like to thank Sharon Jacobs for her time at Marlborough Primary School and wish her well as she returns to her substantive position at Great Ryrie Primary School. 

Having seen the passion that both Lisa Mackney and Pippa Davis have as classroom teachers and, more recently, their dedication to them on the recent Grade 3 & 4 camp at all times of the day and night, School Council believes they are an excellent choice to lead our school operations until the end of Term 2.

I recognise that further change in the principal’s position can be unsettling for families and staff, however School Council believes the appointment of familiar, experienced MPS staff to this role as a short-term measure, will provide our school community with continuity and stability. 

I have full confidence that the Department of Education will provide them with the necessary supports and will also continue to prioritise the needs of the MPS community. 

Please join me and the rest of School Council in congratulating Lisa and Pippa, and supporting them during this time. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or any of the other School Council members (Lee Watson, Helen Edwards, Chris Kent, Chris Barre, Ebonie Rio, Di Collis, Kelly Hamilton, Jocelyn Blair and Tanya Haynes-Ford) 


Kind regards,


Meet Your School Council Member

Why did I join SC?

Hi Im Tanya, Kieren and Aislin Mum.

I decided to join School council because I feel very passionate about my children's whole School environment.

We have a very enthusiastic and caring school community and If I can bring my small part to help our school thrive,

that makes me feel proud.

I also feel its really important for our children to see the adults in their lives taking part and helping our community.



What Skills do you bring?

I hope I can bring along some knowledge and passion for the School Gardens and outside Environment.



Something you may not know about me?

I Love Old things!

I love exploring country towns, and photographing heritage buildings, old structures and old botanic gardens.

And Old cars, especially Holdens.





Voluntary parent payment reminder

A gentle reminder to any families that have not made their voluntary parent payments – it’s not too late to do so!! 


Within our school these voluntary contributions have allowed us to organise and coordinate the best possible programs outside of the traditional teaching and learning classroom structure. 


These financial contributions assist us with the purchasing of art, science and physical education equipment and resources, to purchase robotics resources such as the BeeBots and Spheros and invest in decodable books that support our whole school Science of Reading literacy approach. 









On behalf of MPS School Council 




Meet your School Council member









Contact School Council

If you have any questions, concerns or items to raise with school council, please email  or