School News & Information

Bunnings BBQ
Thank you to all the parents who helped in the lead up to or volunteered to assist at the Bunnings BBQ last Saturday. We raised over $2000 for the school. Thank you for coming down and supporting the DOGs.
D.O.G.S Catch Up (Tonight Thursday - 19th September)
The Railway Hotel
(280 Ferrars St, South Melbourne VIC 3205)
6:30pm on wards.
End of Term 3 Catch Up.
Lost DOGS... If you haven't come along all year or have been meaning to in the past, this is your chance... the year will be over before you know it.
Come along for a few laughs, a drink and / or counter meal. Everyone welcome.
The school community as a whole befits from the connections made at these events.
Healthy Tracks
Conversation Caravan visited us on Wednesday 18th September.
We had lots of parents and students chat to the crew from Conversation Caravan about how our families get to school, what would make it easier for us to walk, ride or scoot to school, and how we would like to travel to school!
The City of Port Phillip is working with Galilee to develop an action plan to make it safer and easier to walk, scoot and ride a bike to school. The Healthy Tracks to School project is integral in encouraging young people and their families to:
- Participate on active travel methods such as walking, riding and scooting;
- Engage in community through shared travel experience;
- Develop independence and responsibility through independent travel; and
- Enjoy a healthy and active lifestyle.
We had a smoothie bike with free smoothies and a coffee van with free coffees!
Just a reminder that the healthy tracks survey closes on Friday 20th September 2019.
Click here to go to the survey:
The survey will take around 10 minutes to complete and your answers are completely anonymous. For further information please see the research collection statement and City of Port Phillip's privacy statement.
Galilee Parents Association (GPA) News
Galilee Parents Association AGM - Tuesday 19 November 2019 - 7:30pm
Put the date in your diaries for the AGM where we will recap the successes and learnings from 2019 and make plans for moving forward in 2020.
At the AGM this year the elected positions of president, vice president, secretary and treasurer will all be up for nomination and election. These positions are renewed every 2-3 years to ensure we have a dynamic and inclusive committee.
Annalise, Jess, Emma and Maureen have thoroughly enjoyed these positions for the last 2-3 years but will not be renominating for them. They will ensure people taking on these roles are well supported as they transition into these roles in 2020 and will remain on as general members into the future.
These main roles are a 2-3 year position. If anyone is interested in these positions or know of someone who might be please let us or Simon Millar know.
Please read the role descriptions attached. Any questions please email the address below or see a committee member.
Art Show - a favourite on the school calendar - 24 October from 5-7pm
In term 4 there will be the Annual Art Show held in the school hall showcasing the work from all our students. Put this date in your diaries now!
Stay in Touch
Follow the Committee Events on Facebook at
Email ideas and questions to the committee at
Plants for Sale
Hello everyone,
My name is Harry M and I am in 2B. On Friday, I will have some plants and pots for sale fundraising for Jump Rope for Heart.
The only plants I have left are Monstera. They are $20.00.
Please let Miss Burke know if you would like to buy one.
Thank you,
Harry M
GOSH - TheirCare
Dear school, parents and of course beloved children!
I want to thank you for the wonderful time we've had together and big credit of trust you gave me, which, hopefully, I paid back with my dedicated work, love and care for our amazing children! I dearly love all of you together and individually, you became a big part of my life and I'm waiting impatiently to come back next year with more enthusiasm, care and creativity.
Friendly reminder about early finish on Friday, GOSH will start at 1.30 PM, please book now.
Holiday Program is just around the corner and some empty spots are waiting for our children!
Have a wonderful holidays and see you in November on Galilee's birthday!
Sincerely yours,
Dance Class Presentation
On Tuesday all the beautiful young dancers who attend class on Tuesday afternoons, presented what they have learnt this term to their parents.
They did an amazing job with both their Ballet and Jazz moves!
They danced everything with confidence and enjoyment and it was wonderful to see their proud parents watching.
Congratulations to the students and a big thank you to Jackie their teacher.