Learning and Teaching

Year 6 News
On Monday the 16th of September, the Year Six students had a whole day incursion with NET Ministries, who were teaching us about the Sacrament of Confirmation. Confirmation is a time where we become closer to God by receiving the Holy Spirit. When you make the Sacrament of Confirmation, you are able to choose a saint name as your Confirmation name.
The first thing we did was discuss our theme, which was ‘Road Trip.’ Then we got into small groups and talked about prayer. We did lots of different activities like a Life Maze and rock-paper-scissors evolution. If you won you moved up the levels. The levels were: egg, chicken, monkey, supermodel, old person and immortality. We talked a lot about special things in our lives. We also spoke about saints and thought about what saint name we would like to have as our Confirmation name. Whoever you choose is someone very special and someone you look up to and aspire to be like. They are the one you will ask if you need help and will help guide you. We finished the day with a guided meditation and then we sat in prayer for about 10 minutes.
We learnt lots of interesting things about saints, did you know there are over 8,000 saints? You can also pray to different saints for different things, for example, St Anthony is who you would pray to if you lose something or you can pray to St Christopher for safe travels.
It was a really fun and awesome day and it made us feel closer to God. We would love to do it again and would definitely recommend it for next year’s Year Sixes who are making their Confirmation.
Thank you Mrs Rochecouste who organised the day for us and to Mrs Petrarca, Mrs Ferguson and Mr Martello who were there on the day!
Speak With Power
For a few weeks Year 5 were learning about how to speak properly and proudly with Ron Thomas. By the end of each session we all learnt something new. On the last round, all of the speeches were amazing but there could only be one winner. Some speeches were funny others were about their life. It was a close call, but the winner was Henry Wells(5B) and Ruby Web (5R). I want to thank Ron Thomas for his time and dedication to us. We will all miss having you at Galilee and Year 4’s get ready for the time of your lives.
By Willow
Speak with Power was an amazing opportunity for the Year Fives to improve their speaking skills and gain confidence for public speaking. Everyone had a chance to get up in front of the class and do a speech. Firstly, we had to do a one minute speech, then a two minute one and then it led to the big three minute speech at the end. On the final day, everyone presented a speech on a topic of their choice. Everyone tried so hard, but only one could win the trophy. Overall, we all gained lot’s more confidence in public speaking and all really enjoyed the program.
By Henry
Beachside Athletics
Two weeks ago on Friday a few kids went to beachside athletics at Lakeside Stadium. I was in the 800 metres and 1500 metres.
The 1500 m was the first, they put the girls and boys together. I had an alright start, then during the race I caught up and ended up fifth, there was only about 10 metres between fifth and second. After the race I went home to have a rest and came back to Lakeside a few hours later.
The 800 m was the last race of the day I had a great start and maintained it through the race and ended up third. Overall I had a great day and would love to go again.
By Oliver O