School News & Information

Art Show Information
On Thursday, 24th October we will have our 2019 Annual Galilee Art Show where each child at our school will show off 4 to 5 pieces of their art work. The Art Show is being held in the school in the Maguire Hall between 5pm and 7pm .
There is a Gold Coin donation on entry and great lucky door prizes. Cards designed by the students are available to order. Voting will take place for the annual Orr-chibald prize painted by the Year 5 and 6 students.
There will be food trucks on site to provide your family with dinner for the evening.
The GPA will be running a bar and soft drinks stand with snacks. Please note these will be cash only so make sure you bring along smaller notes and gold coins.
For catering purposes, please indicate on the CareMonkey form if you will be attending and how many in your family will be enjoying a meal on the evening.
Why is the 2019 Galilee Art Show important for our children?
This is your opportunity to celebrate your child's creativity and the creativity of other
children in the school. It is also an opportunity to catch up with friends old and new.
The best way to encourage Art in your child is to celebrate their artistic endeavours.
Attending and participating in the 2019 Galilee Art Show is a great way to do this.
The children, together with Mrs Orr, have put a lot of work into the event so we are looking
forward to our biggest attendance ever.
See you there.
Second Hand Uniform
Galilee second hand uniform shop would appreciate any donations of uniform - especially larger sizes.
Healthy Tracks to School Project: Your feedback is needed
As you are aware, Galilee Regional Catholic Primary School has taken part in the Healthy Tracks to School project. Our school is working with the City of Port Phillip to develop an action plan which will seek to make it safer and easier to walk, scoot and ride a bike to school.
Thank you to all of our families who provided their feedback for stage 1 (i.e. completed a survey and/or spoke to the Conversation Caravan team onsite); you shared how you get to and from school, what would make it easier to walk, ride or catch public transport to school and how you would like to travel to school.
Your feedback has contributed to identifying routes currently used to travel to and from school and how to make these routes safer. The City of Port Phillip would like your feedback on these select routes to understand if the solutions proposed will make a difference.
Our School has three opportunities to provide our feedback and I encourage you to participate.
Phone Interview
The project team will give you a call at your nominated time and day on either Thursday 17th or Friday 18th of October to discuss your knowledge of the proposed routes over the phone. This will involve a 30 minute phone conversation.
Book your phone interview
View the Plans in the Library Foyer
The proposed routes are on display in the Library Foyer and you can provide your feedback here anytime during school hours between Thursday 17 October to Tuesday 22 October.
Provide feedback online
Please view the proposed routes and provide your feedback,
We appreciate the timeframes are short, however there is an upcoming opportunity for Council to apply for capital funding, with the potential to implement changes to proposed school routes as recommended by you and our school community during the 2020/21 financial year. All proposed infrastructure works will be subject to consultation with the broader community and subject to final approvals from Council and other relevant stakeholders.
Book Club
Orders for Issue 7 Book Club are due through the Loop App by Monday 21st October.
Galilee Parents Association (GPA) News
Art Show - a favourite on the school calendar - 24 October from 5-7pm
Mal Orr is making final preparations for the Art Show of all our students work and the Prep parents are busy helping organise refreshments for the evening and food trucks - a great excuse for an easy dinner! Please respond the Caremonkey and let us know if you are coming to the Art Show!
Galilee Parents Association AGM - Tuesday 19 November 2019 - 7:30pm
Put the date in your diaries for the AGM where we will recap the successes and learnings from 2019 and make plans for moving forward in 2020.
At the AGM this year the elected positions of president, vice president, secretary and treasurer will all be up for nomination and election. These positions are renewed every 2-3 years to ensure we have a dynamic and inclusive committee.
Annalise, Jess, Emma and Maureen have thoroughly enjoyed these positions for the last 2-3 years but will not be renominating for them. They will ensure people taking on these roles are well supported as they transition into these roles in 2020 and will remain on as general members into the future.
These main roles are a 2-3 year position. If anyone is interested in these positions or know of someone who might be please let us or Simon Millar know.
Please read the role descriptions attached. Any questions please email the address below or see a committee member.
World Teachers’ Day
A huge thank you to our wonderful teachers and the staff at Galilee for all they do for our students. They go above and beyond to teach our children and support them in their learning and growth.
Thank you to all the Parents Reps for the morning tea prepared for the teachers. It was greatly appreciated.
Stay in Touch
Follow the Committee Events on Facebook at
Email ideas and questions to the committee at