Learning and Teaching

Art News
Year 5 students are very lucky to be doing four weeks of embroidery lessons with Jan Maree (Nan of Thomaiy in Year 1) who is an Embroidery Artist and tutor. Very exciting times!
Mal Orr
Garden Club
Our garden in Learning Street is coming along nicely. Last week we harvested our snow peas - which were sweet and delicious. After the garden club members tried them out, Paloma (4C), Patrick (5R), Olivia (1F) and Anthony (1F) walked to Sts Peter and Paul's with Miss Fahy to donate the snow peas to their kitchen.
We went back to the church today with some herbs, more snow peas and spring onions. Sammy, Mia, Anabelle (1F) and Nikolas (1C) got to see inside the kitchen and meet some of the volunteers. Sts Peter and Paul's cook meals for the needy each day. We hope to be able to help out our local community as our garden grows. If you haven't seen the garden yet, please have a walk around to Learning Street and check out our beautiful plants and herbs. Well done to all our Garden Club members!
Miss Evans & Miss Fahy
Year 5
In Year Five we are learning about mass this term. We have done many fun activities. We estimated the weight of potatoes and compared them to other potatoes and estimated the weight of items around the classroom. Some of us even weighed our classmates! It really did help us do some good estimations. We then learnt how to identify the difference between grams, kilograms and tonnes. We did some activities as a whole class using many different scales to weigh objects. We did some worded-problems about money and mass trying to figure out the method to get the answers. There were a lot of different ways and it was really fun to hear other peoples ideas.
Year 2 Surf Life Saving Incursion
The Year 2 students will be participating in the
Sink or Swim program facilitated by Surf Life Saving Victoria. The program teaches students about water safety from the expertise of a surf lifesaver. This interactive 1-hour program empowers students to keep themselves and others safe in a range of aquatic environments including, beaches, rivers, lakes, pools and the home, through engaging practical activities.
Walk to School Month
This month is Walk to School Month. We are taking part in this so we stay healthy and develop some good habits. It is also good for the environment!
Here is a photo of students taking part:
Alex (6B) and Rory (5B) ride their scooters all the way from Port Melbourne which is a 25 minute ride! If you have a long or interesting journey then Miss Coome, Annmaree and the SRC would love to hear from you.
Please send us photos of you on your journey to school to acoome@gsm.vic.edu.au.
Last week, the class with the highest number of children walking to school every single day is 6B with 9 children. Well done 6B! The SRC will be coming round with treats every Monday for people who walked to school every single day. Remember, you only have to walk or ride for part of the journey.
Here is a chart to show how many people in each class have walked or rode to school every day:
Don’t forget about the Facebook Competition that your family can take part in. For more information check the Dojo that Miss Coome sent out. There are exciting prizes to be won for you and your family!
Pen Pal Club
Last term, Australia Post announced its new national letter writing program, the Pen Pal Club. The program inspires Aussie kids to discover the joy of letter writing while fostering friendships across the country through pen pals.
Some classes have registered and received their Pen Pal School and other classes are still waiting to be assigned to a school.
The following classes have been assigned schools around Australia:
Prep E - Yugumbir State School in Logan City, Queensland.
6B - Deer Park West Primary School, Victoria.
3L - St Michael's Daceyville, NSW