Education in Faith

Term Four Prayer
Welcome back to Term Four, the last term of the year. We hope you all had a wonderful holiday break and are feeling rested. We thank God for all of this!
This is a reminder that the Galilee Prayer Group meets every Friday morning at 8:15am until 8:35am. All members of the Galilee school community are welcome. The objective of this Prayer Group is to pray for any needs of the school, the well-being of the students, staff and families and the parishes of Sts Peter and Paul, St. Joseph’s and OLMC. You don't need any qualifications or experience to attend. We look forward to The Galilee Friday Morning Prayer Group growing and flourishing.
Andrew Chinn Incursion
On the 11th of October, Andrew Chinn (Catholic singer-songwriter) came to Galilee to teach us about the world and God through song and dance. The incursion for Years 5 and 6 started straight after recess so we went straight into the hall after snack. Andrew started off by playing us a few tunes on his guitar while cracking a few jokes along the way. Then, the teachers chose four boys and four girls to join Andrew up the front to sing and learn a few dances. Every five minutes, Andrew asked more and more students to join him up the front and the next thing we knew, there were around thirty people up the front singing songs about God and how miraculous the world is.
I was invited up on stage and Andrew started to sing an “Irish Blessing” that I knew because my dad and I always read it together on the way to school and I was singing it with him up the front. As soon as Andrew found out my name he insisted on singing, “My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean” and I really enjoyed it. After that we sang, “Shine Among Them” and all of us Year Fives already knew the dance moves from when we learnt them with our fabulous teacher Mrs Rochecouste.
Next, Andrew told us a few funny stories from his past experience when he was a teacher. And boy were they hilarious! I don't think there was a single student or teacher without a smile on their face. The final song was, “Walking Out The Door Now” where SURPRISE! all of us left the hall while Andrew was singing us out.
We walked back up to class and Miss Bland chose eight people to be in the choir for the concert after lunch. Exactly eight girls put their hands up and they were the ones who went down along with five other boys who had personally been chosen out for their confidence and expression by Andrew Chinn. Eight people were also chosen from Years 4 and 6. I was one of the eight girls chosen from Year Five, so I walked back down to the hall where we were all paired up with another person who had the same tone or vocal capability.
Then Andrew paired your pair with another to see how everyone sounded. I was paired up with Matilda and the group of two that we were also paired up with was Max Mc and Charles. Andrew chose an African Blessing for us four to sing at the concert. Once all the groups of four had gone through their song at least once we headed back to class.
After lunch all the choir people sat with their classes for the concert. Andrew invited me up the front in the middle of the song “Shine Among Them” and students from all classes were up the front. I even got to sing and dance with my buddy Zoe.
Ten minutes after singing and dancing next to Andrew Chinn, it was time for Matilda, Charles, Max Mc and myself to sing the African Blessing. Once the song finished all classes were exited out of the hall when the song “Walking out the door now” was sung by Andrew Chinn and that was how we ended the marvellous day.
Overall I would like to give Mrs Rochecouste a big thanks for organising Andrew to come to our school and working her butt off to make sure everything went to plan. The other massive thanks would have to go to Andrew Chinn for giving our students at Galilee a new way to learn about God and the world through song and dance. I would definitely recommend Andrew to other schools because he has definitely made an impact on me and my view on God and the earth.
So thank you.
Written by Bonnie
It was the end of recess and the Year Fives were getting ready to see the one and only Andrew Chinn. We walked inside the hall with a layer of chatter amongst us all. Everyone was very excited and couldn’t wait to sing some funky songs. Finally, the moment came, it started. Just out of nowhere, Andrew Chinn asked me what my name was, so I answered. Then he asked me if I was new so I told him which school I was from and we had a good old chat. He also told us some very funny stories about when he taught Prep and all the wonderful questions that got asked during show and tell time. After that, he taught us the song ‘Shine Among Them’ and everyone sang along and learnt some actions. While we were singing and dancing he called up some people to dance up the front with him. The Year Fves were Henry, Me, Claudia, Zoe, Isabella, Madera, Charles, Loukas and many many more. Some Year Sixes were Annabelle, Patrick, Cody, Kaarvia, Aloysia and also many more. We all had a wonderful time!
Next, after lunch, everyone went to a special Andrew Chinn concert and got up and performed too. That was great as well! Finally, to sum everything up, everyone had a great time singing and dancing with Andrew Chinn, we are all very grateful. On behalf of everyone here, I would like to thank Andrew Chinn, even though he’s not here, he made us all smile and have a great time. Also, I would like to thank Mrs Rochecouste especially for making this happen and inviting Andrew Chinn here.
Written by Chelsea
Term 4 Masses
Term 4
9 December-Graduation Mass-Grade 6 -OLMC-6:00pm
13 December- End of Year/Christmas Mass- SJ and School Captains-Sts PP-2:30pm
The Sacrament of Confirmation
Please note the following dates:
Confirmation Faith Night for parents and students at Galilee School hall
Wednesday October 23rd-6pm
CONFIRMATION REFLECTION DAY - St. Patrick's Cathedral and Mary Mackillop Centre, East Melbourne
Friday, November 1st⋅8:00am – 3:25pm
Fr. Brendan Hayes to visit Confirmation candidates at Galilee-Thursday, November 21st⋅2:00 – 3:00pm
Sacrament of Confirmation at OLMC-Friday, November 22nd: 7:00 – 8:00pm
Sacrament of Confirmation StsPP-Sunday, November 24th: 10:00 – 11:00am
Sacrament of Confirmation-OLMC
Pedagogy of Encounter
We have been looking at The Pedagogy of Encounter. This tool invites dialogue, deep thinking and engagement with the Catholic story. There are key questions in five areas that engage the voice of the learner in deep dialogue with the Catholic Tradition: ● What do I think and sense? ● What do others think and why? ● What does the Church teach and why? ● How am I called into deeper relationship with others and God? ● What do I think now and why?
In this newsletter let’s look at the fourth area-How am I called into deeper relationship with others and God?
How have I been transformed by this encounter?
The students explore a different way of knowing through experiences that open them up to the sacred, praying and celebrating, using symbol and ritual and reflecting on sacred text and art.
How does this experience call me to be more?
How does this impact on my spirituality?
How do I explore my inner voice? Who am I in this?
How am I being called into a deeper relationship with others? With God?
This term's key idea is on CURIOSITY in RE and STEM. I'm curious as to what you and your family are believing for this term...
Helen Rochecouste