Senior School News

I’d like to start by congratulating the senior school students on a great start to the year. It’s been great to see students attending school regularly and on time, in full school uniform and prepared for classes.
Glen Eira College believes that avoidable student absences contribute significantly to lack of student success, poor motivation and lack of engagement. VCE students are required to attend 95% of classes in order to successfully complete their year. Any attendance below 95% will be monitored closely. This includes absences which are approved through the school such as attendance at sporting events or student leadership training. If students are unable to attend school for a legitimate reason, such as illness, we ask that parents ‘approve’ the absence through calling the school absence line on 9571 4178. Parents can leave a message on our absence hotline to provide a "note" and reason if the absence is approved, or let the school know that they believe their child should be at school. If a student is absent on the day of an assessment task they must provide a medical certificate for that day.
Students who have a number of ‘unapproved’ absences will be required to account for these and parents will be contacted. Any ‘unapproved’ absences at the conclusion of the year will affect the ability of the Senior School to approve the satisfactory completion of the year and therefore compromise subject selection.
We ask for your support in managing punctuality, in particular in the morning. Students need to be in class for team meetings at 8:55am. This means they need to ensure that they have allowed enough time to go to their locker first and arrange their books for Periods 1 and 2. It is recommended that students arrive no later than 8:40am to allow for this. Parent support is a key part and by arriving on time students will maximise their learning and minimise the need to rush. Thank you in anticipation.
Please contact the Senior School Office if you have any inquiries about attendance.
Parents and students need to understand that in VCE, students MUST adhere to subject due dates in order to achieve an 'S'. Work cannot be submitted work after a due date unless teacher permission has been granted.
In regards to SACs, (School Assessed Coursework), when a date is set for a SAC, students must attend in order to complete the work and be awarded a grade. If a student is absent on the day of a SAC, a medical certificate must be handed in to the Coordinator in the Senior School office so that teachers can be notified and the student can sit a make-up SAC on the next Tuesday of the week; a graded assessment for the work they complete will be awarded. If a student does not submit a valid medical certificate, then the student will be able to sit the makeup SAC the following Tuesday but only an S or N will be recorded and no graded assessment. All students who sit a SAC but do not satisfy the criteria for the SAC are therefore given an N (non-satisfactory) but they will be given the opportunity to re-sit the SAC in the hope that they can show understanding of the outcome being tested in order to be given an S, (satisfactory). Please note, that the graded assessment will not change just the N will change to an S.
All make up SACs and resits are conducted after school on Tuesdays from 3:15pm onwards. The length of SACs will vary according to the subject and task.
Haroula Loucaides
Senior School Leader
Year 12 News
It has been a tremendous start to the year for our Year 12 students. As I wander the corridors as I am heartened to see that collectively they are using their private study periods effectively by completing either set homework or preparing for SACs.
However there will be times when students' stress levels will increase especially as the amount of work increases. I cannot stress enough the importance of organising a home study routine, which is flexible and which encompasses some free/fun time. I encourage Year 12 students to come and see me if they need assistance with putting together a home study timetable.
I want to take this opportunity to remind students that they should be using Edrolo as a means of home study, in order to assist them with consolidating and revising key knowledge areas and key skills. This is a wonderful tool that will assist them reach their full potential.
The Year 12 Executive is working hard organising the Year 12 formal, which I am sure is going to be one of the highlights of their year. At the time of writing this article the invitations are nearly ready for printing.
We also had a number of Year 12 students participate in the Funky Hair Day, where they raised money for the Leukaemia Foundation. Congratulations must go to Ben Hobbs-Gordon, Nathan Markopoulos, Joshua Susskind, Katelyn Stanhope and Runcha Jiva-Anan for shaving their heads. The girls’ hair was then donated for the making of wigs. A great effort by these students on making a positive contribution to the wider community.
Congratulations Andrew Wilson of Year 12
Bronze Medallion Winner
Victorian State Rowing Championships
Please contact me at the college if you have any queries about your student.
Laura Brancatella
Year 12 Coordinator
Year 11 News
Year 11s have been immersed in their studies and getting used to VCE procedures and SAC requirements. I have been incredibly pleased to hear from Year 11 staff and students of the progress being made and the results they have achieved. Keep up the great work everyone.
Last month, school council approved a Year 11 Ski Camp to Mt Buller in September. This is a very exciting opportunity for our Year 11 students. The camp will be a 4 day ski camp and the first of its kind for Glen Eira College. The dates for the camp are Tuesday 12th to Friday 15th September. Although we would love to take all students, only 50 students can attend because of the accommodation restrictions. Further details for the camp will be emailed to Year 11 families with a payment schedule so that families have the option of paying for the camp in full or by instalments. The first payment instalment will be required shortly.
If any parent wishes to discuss any VCE issues further, I am more than happy to do so via email, phone or in person.
Mary Maniatis
Year 11 Coordinator
Year 10 News
On Friday 10th March the Year 10s participated in a “Shape your destiny” session with Darren Pereira. It was a fantastic opportunity for the Year 10s to learn about a variety of resources available to help inform their career pathways. It was also an inspiring take on being yourself and playing to your strengths as an individual. I also want to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the new Year 10 Coordinator. I have been at Glen Eira for two years, teaching mathematics and history. I am looking forward to working with this cohort of Year 10s and guiding them through their subject selections and their transition into VCE. I wish you all a fantastic rest of the term and look forward to the rest of the year.
Matthew Robson
Year 10 Coordinator